Dansie Shopping Cart
ReadMe Set up instructions
Dansie Shopping Cart 3.75
By Dansie Website Design
Copyright © Dec 10, 1997-2015

The ReadMe may be big, not because the Dansie Shopping Cart is difficult to set up, but because it has so many customizable options! Most likely you will only need to define 5 variables in order to initially get your cart working! Enjoy.


  1. Setting PERSONAL variables
  2. How shipping is calculated
  3. Setting SECURE SERVER variables (Real-time credit card processors)
  4. Setting DATABASE variables (If you choose to use product databases)
  5. Advanced Database Features
  6. Miscellaneous features
  7. Mall Version.


License Agreement:
Use of the Dansie Shopping Cart software is subject to the terms of the license agreement. By using this software you signify that you have read the license agreement and accept its terms. Your purchase of a Dansie Shopping Cart license entitles you to one (1) working copy of the script per license. You may NOT copy, reproduce, resell, or give away copies of the script in any way shape or form without first purchasing additional licenses. You may make one back up copy should something happen to the working copy on your host. You may not make any modifications to the Dansie Shopping Cart script except as instructed in the ReadMe. The small text link and credit to http://www.dansie.net must remain in the script and appear at the bottom of the various pages of shopping cart script. Violation of this license agreement may void your license without refund, your right to technical support and subject you to legal action. Do not attempt to run the cart.pl script on a site other than which it was licensed for.

If you believe you may have received an unlicensed copy of the Dansie Shopping Cart software (the Perl script) or you have information about someone conducting piracy, please contact us at

If you wish to customize the appearance of your cart further, feel free to insert text and HTML tags in your lang.dat and vars.dat files.

Security Check List:
The Dansie Shopping Cart (cart.pl script) does not handle credit card numbers. The ssl.pl script can collect your customers credit card numbers for you. The Dansie Shopping Cart can be configured with varying levels of security from very high to very low. How high security is set is the responsibility of you, the merchant. If you want the ssl.pl script to collect credit card numbers for you and you have a site security certificate, then the numbers will be encrypted during their journey from your customers computer to your website. If you set SSV#10 so that the ssl.pl script will work with PGP then credit card numbers can be encrypted before they are emailed to you or written to encrypted data files on your host. If you are going to hire the services of a real-time credit card processor then you don't need to worry about using a site security certificate, the ssl.pl script or PGP.
About the "temp" directory
Most likely you will never need to look in this directory or even concern yourself with what is in it. It's a scratch pad (short term memory) for the cart program to write to in order to keep track of items shoppers are preparing to purchase. Some spammers have been known to try to post URLs to shopping carts, but their attempts are futile as this information is not seen by human eyes. If you see it in your temp directory, you can just disregard it. See PV#23 for information on setting the expiration date of this data. See also PV#88 and PV#89 for how to block abusive bots.
Dansie Website Design will not be held responsible for any type of damage or loss of time that may occur as a result of using this script. This includes but is not limited to the corruption or loss of data on your host. (Not that we intentionally put anything in it that will cause any problems on your host, we just have to say this to cover ourselves.) Customer assumes full responsibility for any damages or loss of time that may occur.

Technical Support:
For our customers:
Online technical support is available with all shopping cart purchases. This includes answers to any questions you may have about installation, the HTML forms and flat-file databases. If you purchased the Mall Version, we will provide technical support to you, however, you must provide technical support to your hosted merchants.

For Mall Version merchants:
If you are utilizing shopping cart hosting services of a company who purchased the Dansie Shopping Cart Mall Version from us, you will need to contact them for technical support with the cart. If they get stuck and can't figure something out, they can certainly contact us for help. If you purchase a standard version Dansie Shopping Cart license and have it installed on your website, we would then be able to provide technical support directly to you.
How to receive technical support:
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cart.pl       (The cart script)
ssl.pl        (An extra script for SSL)
ssl.txt       (Variables file for ssl.pl)
ReadMe.html   (Instructions)
template.html (HTML form examples)
vars.dat      (Variables)
lang.dat      (Language)
shopperid.dat (An empty file. Each shopper will be assigned a number. 
               This file was formerly called "invoice.dat")
cart.gif      ("View Cart" image)
stuff.dat     (An example database file. The use of which is optional.)
.htaccess     (Can be used to protect your cgi-bin from directory browsing. 
               See Security Checklist in section 1 for details. )
If you have difficulty opening vars.dat or lang.dat, try renaming them to vars.txt and lang.txt. Open them with WordPad or NotePad. Before (or after) you upload them to your cgi-bin on your host, rename them back to ".dat".

The shopperid.dat file is like the cart's counter. It increments when a new person uses the cart, and not when an order is placed. Your website visitors may play with your cart without placing an order. So if you only see orders with shopper ID numbers 15, 25, 33, 38, etc, that is normal. You can download the shopperid.dat file from your cgi-bin, open it in Notepad and change it to begin with any number you like.

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Template.html will give you all the info you need concerning how to create HTML forms that will send your product info and prices to the shopping cart. In other words, how to feed items and prices to the shopping cart script with the use of HTML forms. You may use all the standard form tags if you wish.
RADIO:   An option   Another option
CHECKBOX: An option

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lang.dat is a data file that contains the language that your cart will speak. It's just a list of phrases that the cart uses. Feel free to modify lang.dat to suit your needs better. Some people have even put HTML tags in it to make radical changes to the appearance of their cart. If you are seeing a lot of HTML tags appearing in the email receipts, then set Personal Variable #57 to "text/html" (without the quotes). Would you like some custom text or HTML to appear at the top or bottom of your shopping cart pages? See lang.dat #111 and #114.
Would you like to have the cart aligned right or left? Set lang.dat #111 and #114 with some tables tags like so:
111 (footer) --></TD></TR></TABLE></DIV>
114 (header) --><DIV ALIGN=RIGHT><TABLE WIDTH=80%><TR><TD>

You may put JavaScript in your lang.dat variables, but make sure:
  1. You precede all single quotes with a back slash like so:
    <SELECT NAME=example OnChange=\'SomeFunction()\';>
  2. Don't use any HTML comment tags <!-- -->.
  3. Remove any blank lines from the script.
  4. All statements must end with a semi-colon ";". "return true;" instead of "return true".
All of the submit buttons that you see in the dynamically generated pages of the cart can be converted to image buttons instead. This is for you advanced web designers who want to customize almost every detail of your site. First you would create your images. Then you would put the URL to the images in one or more of these lang.dat variables: 19, 35, 38, 41, 88, 146, 148. Also, Database Variable #15 can be substituted with an image too. The current text in the lang variables indicates what that variable is for.

There are two buttons in the cart that cannot be changed to image buttons. They are the "Same As Above" shipping/billing address copy button in lang.dat #105 and the "PRINT THIS PAGE FOR YOUR RECEIPT" button that appears at the bottom of receipt pages for Netscape browsers in lang.dat #13. These are not submit buttons but rather JavaScript buttons and need to remain that way. An image wont work for those two.

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If you have never uploaded a CGI Perl script to your cgi-bin before, section 6 will provide you with some helpful tips.


Set the first 5 HOST VARIABLES at the top of the vars.dat file. Only the HOST VARIABLES are required to get the script running. You can set the other variables later after you get cart.pl running. Refer to the HOST VARIABLES section below in this ReadMe for detailed instructions on the HOST VARIABLES. Do not attempt to run the cart.pl script on a site other than which it was licensed for.


Upload all four of these files into the SAME directory, most likely your cgi-bin. Perhaps your cgi-bin will be called "cgi-local" or "cgi" or something similar. If your host says that scripts must have the ".cgi" extension, then rename "cart.pl" to "cart.cgi". The script can work either way.
File name:Upload format:Chmod (Unix only):
1) cart.plASCII755 (executable)
2) vars.datASCIIChmod not necessary
3) lang.datASCIIChmod not necessary
4) shopperid.datASCII777 (writable)
Chmod your cart.pl script 755. Chmod the shopperid.dat file 777. "chmod" is only necessary on a Unix host. If your site is hosted on a Windows NT server don't worry about "chmod".


Make sure your cgi-bin's permissions are set to 755. If not then chmod your cgi-bin 755. Manually create a directory called "temp" with your FTP program inside your cgi-bin directory and chmod "temp" 777. (We formerly named this directory "carts". Either "temp" or "carts" will work fine.) The "temp" directory will be used by the cart.pl script as it's memory. It will use the "temp" directory to record shoppers cart contents. If permissions on this directory are not set as writable the cart.pl script may keep reporting, "Sorry, your cart is currently empty". Most likely you will never need to look in this directory or even concern yourself with what is in it.


Point your web browser at your script like so:

The script may give you further installation instructions if you forgot to do anything. If the cart tells you that you need to define a single variable at the top of the cart.pl script, then see the
SINGLE VARIABLE section in this ReadMe (Section 7).

If the script is successfully installed, you will see a test item to put into the shopping cart. Put the test item into the shopping cart. If you see a display of that item in the shopping cart, then all is working fine. Now you can set all your other variables in the vars.dat file.

If your Dansie Shopping Cart is not working, or does strange things, see "Trouble Shooting" below.


Refer to the Template.html for creating some of your own product forms, or the database section in this ReadMe for info on creating product databases. The use of product databases are optional.

Trouble Shooting:

If your shopping cart continually tells you that your cart is empty, manually create a directory called "temp" with your FTP program in your cgi-bin directory (same directory where your vars.dat and cart.pl script is in). Chmod "temp" 777 if your host is Unix.

If the shopper ID number never increments past "1", make sure "shopperid.dat" is in your cgi-bin and chmod "shopperid.dat" 777 (writable).

If you are hosted on a Windows NT host and the shopping cart keeps saying that it is empty, it is because the permissions on the "temp" directory is not globally writable. Contact your host and ask them to set permissions on the "temp" directory and the "shopperid.dat" file so that the cart.pl script will have permission to write and re-write to them. Go here for a diagnostic:

If you get an Internal Server Error:
  1. Read the important rules of thumb again (Section 6).
    1. Are you running/installing it on the domain that you registered the software license for?
    2. Does your host allow you to run Perl scripts?
    3. Did you upload cart.pl into a directory that your host allows you to run Perl scripts in? (Most commonly called "cgi-bin".)
    4. Did you upload cart.pl in ASCII format NOT binary?
    5. Did you chmod your cgi-bin and cart.pl script 755 (Unix only)?
  2. Check your HOST variables in your vars.dat file.
  3. Try changing the very first line in the cart.pl script from:
  4. Email us at: cart@dansie.net. Include the exact URL to your cart.pl script and a copy of your vars.dat file and we will quickly help you figure out what's wrong.

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HTML and FTP expert:

You must be an expert at HTML and
FTP to install and enjoy the use of the Dansie Shopping Cart. You don't need to know anything about CGI or Perl. Always upload your perl scripts to your host in ASCII format. Not Binary. After uploading your script, chmod it 755 if your host is Unix. Make sure the directory that your cart.pl script is in is executable (755). Never touch the innards of the script. Only change the single variable at the top of the script if you need to. You may need to rename your script "cart.cgi" instead of "cart.pl" depending upon your host.

How to edit vars.dat and lang.dat files:
  1. Always make a backup copy of vars.dat or lang.dat before you make changes to them. That way, if you bugger them up really bad, you can just revert to your backup copies.
  2. Follow the instructions in the ReadMe for how to set the variables. Don't make any changes to your vars.dat or lang.dat file without reading what the ReadMe has to say about that variable first. This will save you a lot of trouble.
  3. Be careful when making changes so that you do not over-write or erase variables or the arrow delimiters that go with the variables.
  4. Use a plain text editor to open the file and always save as plain text. Microsoft's Notepad or Mac's SimpleText work good. Do not use an HTML editing program.
  5. Upload/download the file to your cgi-bin in ASCII format only (as opposed to binary) You will find this setting in your FTP program.

System Paths and URLs:

This ReadMe will speak of "URLs" and "system paths". URL stand for Uniform Resource Locator. It is a website address that starts with "http" and is accessed via a web browser. A system path is a local path to a file on your hosts machine. Perl accesses files on your host's machine with system paths. System paths on Unix hosts start with a slash "/". System paths on Windows NT hosts start with a drive letter and a colon like so: "c:/home/YourName/cgi-bin/vars.dat"

URL examples:

System path examples:

Try to keep this in mind and not get URLs and system paths confused.

How do you know if the script is working?

Just point your web browser to it with a "test" query string and it will give you diagnostic tools if you installed it correctly. Example, type this at the top of your web browser:

If you get an Internal Server Error:
  1. Read the important rules of thumb again (Section 6).
    1. Are you running/installing it on the domain that you registered the software license for?
    2. Does your host allow you to run Perl scripts?
    3. Did you upload cart.pl into a directory that your host allows you to run Perl scripts in? (Most commonly called "cgi-bin".)
    4. Did you upload cart.pl in ASCII format NOT binary?
    5. Did you chmod your cgi-bin and cart.pl script 755 (Unix only)?
  2. Check your HOST variables in your vars.dat file.
  3. Try changing the very first line in the cart.pl script from:
  4. Email us at: cart@dansie.net. Include the exact URL to your cart.pl script and a copy of your vars.dat file and we will quickly help you figure out what's wrong.

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There are NO variables to configure in the cart.pl script unless:
  1. Your host's ENV variables don't yield the correct system paths. Therefore, the cart can't auto detect it's location. This is likely if you are using a shared domain name or cgi wrap.
  2. You want to rename or relocate the vars.dat file to a location other than default. (The default location of the vars.dat file is in the same directory as the cart.pl script.)
It's recommended to not set this variable unless the cart.pl script specifically tells you to do so. You will know when you point your browser at the cart.pl script with the test query string if you need to set this variable because it will give you a message telling you to do so.

How to configure the one variable located near the top of the cart.pl script. Example:
$vars = "/your/system/path/to/your/data/file/vars.dat";
Or if on a Windows_NT server, something like this:
$vars =  "D:/home/YourName/cgi-bin/vars.dat";
You may have trouble opening cart.pl if "pl" is not a file extension that your computer recognizes. In Windows, right click on the cart.pl icon, and select "Open with...". Then, select a plain text reader from one of your programs such as NotePad or WordPad. That should open it for you.

$vars must be the system location and name of your vars.dat file. All other variables are located in the vars.dat file.

These URLs may yield the system path:
When you send the "env" query string to your cart it will display your system's environment variables for you (provided you uploaded it in ASCII and chmoded it 755).

If you are still not sure of your system path, ask your host, they will know.

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When installing the Dansie Shopping Cart, remember, you most likely only need to set the first 5 Host Variables to get your cart running.

1 Full URL location to cart.pl script -->http://www.YourName.net/cgi-bin/cart.pl
This is your shopping cart's URL location and name. Full URL path not system path.

Make sure that this URL matches exactly what you have (or will have) in the ACTION attribute in the FORM tags of your
HTML product forms. For example, notice these two URLs are NOT the same:

Do not attempt to run the cart.pl script on a site other than which it was licensed for.

2 Default return shopping URL -->http://www.YourName.net/store.html
This is the default "Return Shopping" URL for when people click the "Continue Shopping" button at the bottom of the shopping cart. You may specify return URLs in the HTML forms for every product that is purchased like so:
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=return VALUE="http://www.dansie.net/demo.html">
You must use a full URL. A full URL begins with "http://" (or "https://" if you are using a site security certificate). Example:
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="return" VALUE="http://www.YourName.com/page.html">
And NOT like this:
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="return" VALUE="page.html">
See Template.html for more details. But if you don't use the "return" tag in an HTML form, this variable will be the default return shopping URL.

If your website uses frames, do NOT set this to: http://www.YourName.com but rather http://www.YourName.com/main.html In other words, don't set this to the parent document on a framed website, set it to the main child page or you will get frames within frames.

Here is the key to using frames with your Dansie Shopping Cart:

1. Set HV#2 to a URL that does NOT load frames.
2. Set
HV#12 to a URL that DOES load frames.
3. Set DBV#23 to a URL that does NOT load frames.
4. Leave HV#11 blank.
5. Make sure all your URLs in your "return" tags are a to a page that does NOT load frames.
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=return VALUE="http://www.YourName.com/rightframe.html">
6. If you want an <A HREF> link or a FORM's purchase button to load the cart in a different frame, then set the TARGET attribute to the name of the frame you want the cart to load in. Example:
<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="http://www.YourName.com/cgi-bin/cart.pl" TARGET="right_frame">
7. Do not use TARGET attributes in a frame in which you want the cart to load in the same frame. Example:
<FORM METHOD=POST ACTION="http://www.YourName.com/cgi-bin/cart.pl">
The names of your frames are in the parent page that loads them. If you are not sure what the name of your frames are, ask your webmaster.

3 URL to images or thumb-nail directory -->http://www.YourName.net/images
Specify a base URL for where all your product thumb nail images are located so that you only need to say:
instead of:
<INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=img VALUE="http://www.YourHost.com/img.gif">
in your HTML forms.
(However, your images will still work if you use a full URL in your forms. This makes Dansie Shopping Cart flexible.)

4 URL to Custom image or company logo -->http://www.YourName.net/logo.gif
Custom image for cart.pl to use that represents your business. This can be your company logo. Full URL path and name to this gif/jpg.

5 URL to wallpaper -->http://www.YourName.net/wp.jpg
This is a full URL path to some wallpaper that you may use in your shopping cart script. If you wish to use a solid background color instead, just leave this blank and set
Personal Variable #15.

Note: In most cases you will never need to set Host Variables 6 through 12.

6 Sendmail, Windmail or Blat path -->
Leave this variable blank at first and just run some test orders. You should get some email receipts. The cart is designed to automatically find your host's sendmail program in most cases. On some hosts, this variable needs to be set. This variable is so your shopping cart can find your server's sendmail program and send you and your customers an email receipt. The email will contain the products that you need to ship to them, the prices, the totals, etc.

Email In General

If your host's sendmail program isn't working, you don't have to miss an order. Just leave this variable blank and set
Secure Server Variable #8, Personal Variable #69 and Personal Variable #80. The cart can then write order info to files on your website 10 ways from Sunday. If you get an internal server error going to a receipt page, or you see red text at the bottom of receipt pages, and you are not getting any email receipts from the cart, it could mean that you don't have this path set correctly. Ask your host what it is. Leave this variable blank until you get the correct path.

If you wish to run the cart indefinitely without sendmail and just append your orders to a data file instead, then set this variable to "off" like so:
6 Sendmail, Windmail or Blat path -->off
Then the cart will run without giving you the red diagnostic messages at the bottom of the receipt pages.

If you have ran some test orders with the cart and didn't receive any email receipts, you may need to isolate your server's sendmail program and confirm that it's working. We have a variety of test scripts below that you can use for testing Unix sendmail programs as well as Blat and Windmail on Windows servers.

Unix sendmail test script: http://www.dansie.net/email_test.zip
Blat test script: http://www.dansie.net/blat_test.html
Windmail test script: http://www.dansie.net/windmail_test.html
Socket test script (Unix or Windows servers): http://www.dansie.net/email_socket.zip

If you don't receive an email from your sendmail program using the test script, then email the test script to your host and ask them for assistance.

The cart has an email log (cart.pl version 3.43+) that can record the commands it used to access your server's sendmail program, the date/time and the email headers it sent as well. It can also record email addresses submitted by your shoppers that were refused due to improper email address format. This can be helpful when your less than savvy internet shoppers complain they can't place an order because their email address is being rejected. You can view the log to see what they actually entered. To activate the email log, create a file called "email_log.txt" in the same directory as your vars.dat file. Make sure you set write permissions on this file (chmod 666). After you run a test order, download email_log.txt via FTP and you can see the command the cart used to send information to your server's sendmail program.

If you are using the ssl.pl script and you are not receiving your customers credit card numbers via email from it, then see the "SENDMAIL VARIABLES" section near the top of the ssl.pl script. Be sure to use PGP to encrypt credit card data via email.

Unix Hosts

If your host is Unix, you will most likely be able to leave this variable blank. By leaving it blank the Dansie Shopping Cart will try to automatically detect the location of your hosts sendmail program. If the Dansie Shopping Cart can't find the location of your hosts sendmail program, then it will give you a red text diagnostic message saying so when you point your browser at:

Ask your host for the location of the sendmail program and set it in this variable. Example:
6 Sendmail, Windmail or Blat path -->/usr/sbin/sendmail
Other common sendmail paths are:
If you see no red text diagnostic message, yet you don't receive email receipts from the cart.pl script, ask your host what the correct system path is to the sendmail program and set that in HV#6.
-f Switch

If the customer receives an email receipt but the merchant does not, it could be that your host has the sendmail program configured to require the -f switch. By looking in the full headers of the email that the customer receives, you may find this:
X-Authentication-Warning: server099.server.com: user set sender to sales@yourname.com using -f
Notice where it mentions the -f switch. Some hosts require that you use the -f switch and this is a clue. If so, set HV#6 like so:
6 Sendmail, Windmail or Blat path -->/usr/sbin/sendmail -f webmaster@YourName.com
You would set the system path, followed by a space character, -f, another space character, then an authorized email address that contains your domain name.

An unusual possibility is that your host's sendmail program wont work if the -f switch is used. If you have confirmed this fact after running tests with the email_test.pl script, you can completely turn the use of the -f switch off in the cart.pl script by setting Host Variable #6 like so:
6 Sendmail, Windmail or Blat path -->no_f_switch|/usr/sbin/sendmail
This works with cart.pl version 3.64 and ssl.pl version 3.20.
-t Switch

If your host requires the use of the "-t" switch then set Host Variable #6 with the correct sendmail path, followed by a space character and then "-t". For example:
6 Sendmail, Windmail or Blat path -->/usr/sbin/sendmail -t
If your website is on a Unix server and you aren't receiving any email receipts from the cart then use this test script to isolate your host's sendmail program from the cart to first confirm that your host's sendmail program is working.

Windows Servers/Hosts


The Dansie Shopping Cart can work with a program called Blat to send email. Ask your host what the system path to Blat is. Ask them to install Blat too if they haven't already done so.
Get Blat here: http://gepasi.dbs.aber.ac.uk/softw/Blat.html
Or: http://www.dansie.net/blat15i.zip
6 Sendmail, Windmail or Blat path -->C:/winnt/system32/blat.exe
Or backslashes may be necessary:
6 Sendmail, Windmail or Blat path -->C:\winnt\system32\blat.exe
Have your host run Blat like so to initialize it:
c:\WINNT\SYSTEM32\Blat.exe -install mail.yourhost.com youruserid@yourname.com
If your host requires that you pass the SMTP address to blat.exe then set this variable like so:
6 Sendmail, Windmail or Blat path -->C:/winnt/system32/blat.exe|mail.hostname.com
The system path to blat.exe, then a "|" pipe character, then the SMTP address.

If you are using Blat and you aren't receiving any email receipts from the cart then use this test script and instructions to isolate Blat from the cart to first confirm that Blat is working.


The Dansie Shopping Cart can also work with Windmail. If using Windmail, ask your host what the system path is and set this variable like so:
6 Sendmail, Windmail or Blat path -->C:/winnt/system32/windmail.exe
Or backslashes may be necessary:
6 Sendmail, Windmail or Blat path -->C:\winnt\system32\windmail.exe
Or maybe just:
6 Sendmail, Windmail or Blat path -->windmail.exe
Get Windmail here: http://www.geocel.com/windmail/

If your host doesn't have a system windmail program for everyone to use, upload your own:
  • Make sure your host will allow you to run executables in your cgi-bin and get their SMTP address.
  • Set your hosts SMTP address in the windmail.ini file.
  • Upload the two files "windmail.exe" and "windmail.ini" into your cgi-bin.
  • Set Host Variable #6 as "windmail.exe"
  • If you are using Windmail and you aren't receiving any email receipts from the cart then use this test script and instructions to isolate Windmail from the cart to first confirm that Windmail is working.

    Unix and Windows Servers/Hosts

    SMTP Socket

    The Dansie Shopping Cart (cart.pl version 3.41+ and ssl.pl 3.09+) can also work with an email server's socket. Ask your host what the SMTP address is and set this variable like so:
    6 Sendmail, Windmail or Blat path -->socket|mail.YourServer.net
    Put "socket", then a "|" pipe character, then your server's SMTP address.
    The Dansie Shopping Cart (cart.pl version 3.62+ and ssl.pl 3.17+) also allow you to set the Return-path header of the email to comply with your server's spam prevention requirements. Set this variable like so:
    6 Sendmail, Windmail or Blat path -->socket|mail.YourServer.net|webmaster@YourName.com
    Notice there are 3 fields and 2 pipe delimiters. The third field should be a valid email address of your domain name such as postmaster@YourName.com or webmaster@YourName.com
    If your host allows you to use their socket, they gave you their SMTP address, you set HV#6 correctly and you aren't receiving any email receipts from the cart, then use this
    test script and instructions to isolate your hosts email socket and server and confirm it's working first.
    7 Date program path -->/bin/date
    Leave this variable blank. In most cases the cart is able to auto detect the date program from the server. If you attempt to set this system path and you don't see the date and time at the top of receipt pages, then you don't have the correct date path. If you are waiting to hear from your host about this system path, you may leave this variable blank and the cart will still work. The cart will try to see if it can grab a default system time for you. If you wish, you may run the cart with this variable blank indefinitely. If you are on a Unix host, you may adjust the time and date with switches like so:
    7 Date program path -->/bin/date -u "+%d/%m/%y %T"
    If your server's clock is set to a different time zone than you want and your host can't change the time zone, Dansie Shopping Cart version 3.55 can change the time zone for you. Just leave this variable blank and upload our
    timezone.lib file to the same directory that the cart.pl script is in. Set your hour difference in the timezone.lib file. If cart.pl version 3.55 sees timezone.lib, it will be able to adjust the difference.

    8 System path to shoppers data files ("temp" directory) -->
    This is the system path to a directory where data files will be kept of your customers shopping cart contents. You will only need to set this variable if you want to change it's default location. Otherwise leave this variable blank. If you want to change it's default location and you are not sure what your system path is, ask your host. This is a system path to a directory that is located next to your cart.pl script in the same directory as your cart.pl script. The name of this directory is "temp".
    WARNING! Make sure you keep NOTHING else in this directory, because the shopping cart goes through it and deletes old files! Most likely you will never need to look in this directory or even concern yourself with what is in it. It's a scratch pad (short term memory) for the cart program to write to in order to keep track of items shoppers are preparing to purchase.
    /path/to/cgi-bin/temp          (UNIX)
    D:/home/YourName/cgi-bin/temp  (Windows_NT)
    9 System path and name of shopperid.dat file -->
    You will only need to set this variable if you want to change it's default location. Otherwise leave this variable blank. This is a system path to what is basically a count file (shopperid.dat). It will keep track of how many people have used your shopping cart and use this number as a shopper ID number. The default location of this auto generated file will be in the same directory as your cart.pl script.
    /path/to/cgi-bin/shopperid.dat         (UNIX)
    D:/home/YourName/cgi-bin/shopperid.dat (Windows_NT)
    10 System path and name of language File -->
    This is the system path and name of your lang.dat file. You will only need to set this variable if you want to change it's default location. Otherwise you can leave this variable blank. What language do you want your cart to speak today?
    /path/to/cgi-bin/lang.dat          (UNIX)
    D:/home/YourName/cgi-bin/lang.dat  (Windows_NT)
    11 Frames target name -->
    If your site is not using frames, then leave this blank. If your site uses frames you may leave this variable blank as well. If using frames you may set this to the name of the main frame that you want the cart to appear in. In most cases, it will work if you just leave this variable blank. See also
    HV#2 above.

    12 Parent Frame URL -->
    If your site is not using frames, then leave this blank. If your site uses frames then set this to the main URL of your site, like http://www.YourName.com This should be a URL to the parent document that loads all your frames. Where as
    Host Variable #2 is a URL to a child page like http://www.YourName.com/RightFrame.html. Note: During a Secure Online Credit Card Transaction, the cart script will make the cart frame assume the entire browser window to effectuate the lock at the top of the browser. After a credit card transaction the link at the bottom of the receipt page will return the customer to the URL defined in this variable.

    If your cart is loading frames within frames when you click on the "Continue Shopping" button in the cart, check the URLs in the "return" tags of your HTML forms and make sure they are pointing to a child page and not parent document.
    <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=return VALUE="http://www.YourName.net/ChildPage.html">

    13 merchant_passwords.dat location -->
    This variable may be used if you have the
    Mall Version. You may leave it blank. However if you wish to change the default location of the merchant_passwords.dat file then you may do so by setting this to a system path. The default location for this file is in the same directory as the main default vars.dat file.

    14 Login SSL URL -->
    This variable may be used if you have the
    Mall Version. If you have a site security certificate and you wish to allow your hosted merchants to login via "https", then set this variable with an "https" URL to the cart.pl script. They would then be able to download credit card information in a secure manner. You only need to set this variable in the default vars.dat file in your cgi-bin. You don't need to set it in each and every one of your merchants vars.dat files.

    15 Mall merchant overdue redirect URL -->http://www.YourName.com/PaymentOverdue.html
    This variable may be used if you have the
    Mall Version. If one of your hosted merchants is overdue payment, you can disable their cart by simply renaming their directory or vars.dat file. Removing their login name and password from the merchant_passwords.dat file is also advised. If this variable is set with a URL and a shopper tries to use your clients cart, their browser will be redirected to the URL. You can make a custom page giving your client instructions how they can make payment and reactivate their shopping cart. You only need to set this variable in the default vars.dat file in your cgi-bin. You don't need to set it in each and every one of your merchants vars.dat files.

    Back to top.


    1 Custom Options -->20
    With every item you can have an array of custom descriptions. Such as color of shirt, size of shirt, or other attributes that might actually change the price of that item according to your specifications. These options would be in the
    SELECT, CHECKBOX, RADIO, TEXT and HIDDEN tags of your HTML forms. You can have as many custom descriptions of your items as you need. It is recommended for performance reasons that you keep this variable as small as possible. For example, if an item of yours that contains the largest number of custom descriptions comes to 20, then set this to 20. There is no need for the shopping cart script to search for higher variable values in this array. Default is set at 20. Example: The mens tie on the Dansie Shopping Cart website uses 3 custom name/value pairs. Size, Color, and Clip. http://www.dansie.net/demo.html If we were to use a stock number tag with the tie like this:
    <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="custom4" VALUE="Stock# 0004">
    Then this item would have 4 custom descriptions. For more info on this, see Template.html.

    This variable also sets the maximum number of items you will be having in your "multi-items" forms. See Section 2 of Template.html for details about "multi-items" forms. For example, the Banana Split, Pineapple and Watermelon on this page http://www.dansie.net/demo.html has three items in this "multi-items" form. If you had a "multi-items" form that has 30 items in it, then set this no lower than 30. You only need to set this as high as the number of multi-items you have in any one form. Not as many items you have advertised on your entire site. So if you have 10 multi-item forms on your website and each form has 10 items in it, you would only need to set this variable as high as 10 and not 100.

    2 Order details are emailed to the merchant here -->cart@dansie.net
    This is where you put your email address. When someone orders something a copy of the order details will be emailed to you. This email that the cart sends you will help you fill their order. Need to send copies of the order to more than one address? Just set this variable like so:
    sales@YourName.net, orders@YourName.net, dropshipper@YourName.net
    Separated by either commas, spaces or both. Note: If you are using the ssl.pl script, customers credit card numbers will be emailed to the email address(s) you set in
    Secure Server Variable #11.

    The cart can also send receipts to Jfax.com, maxemail.com, jfaxsend.com, faxaway.com and fax2me.com. These are neat email to fax services. Just put your authorized from email address in the first position of PV#2 and put your fax email address in any other position.

    3 Data file extension-->dat
    This is nothing technical. It just tells your cart script what file extension to name the data files of your customer's carts that appear in your "temp" directory. Default is dat. You could change it to txt or others, but you can just leave it alone.

    4 Business name -->ABC Widget Company
    This is the name of your business. Don't leave this variable blank. If you don't want your business name to appear at the top of the carts pages, then set
    PV#44 to 0.

    5 Checks payable to -->John Doe
    This is who you want your customer to make their checks and money orders payable to. Perhaps it will be the same as Business Name (#4) above.

    6 Guarantee statement on receipt page -->If not completely satisfied with any item within 30 days, return in original packaging for a refund.
    This one is pretty self explanatory. This statement will be displayed on the webpage after a customer has made a purchase.

    7 Address name -->ABC Widget Company. Attn: John Doe
    This is the name of the mailing address of your company. Why three variables for the same name you ask? (
    4,5 and 7). This provides flexibility. This could be exactly the same as business name (#4) above.

    8 Street address -->1234 Main Street
    This is your street address.

    9 City, state, zip -->New York, NY 22222
    This is your city, state and zip.

    10 Toll free phone number for cc transactions -->1-800-555-1212
    This is where you put your telephone number for Credit Card Transactions Via Telephone. If you don't have a phone number and are not going to provide this payment option for your customers, then just leave this variable empty. Example:
    10 Toll free phone number for cc transactions -->

    11 Website address -->www.YourName.net
    This is your website address. Why again if we covered it in Host Variable #2? This variable wont be a link, just printed on the screen. You can have these two variables the same if you want. Or you may have this one say "yourname.com" instead of "http://www.yourname.com". Its up to you.

    12 Allow Sales Tax -->1
    The Dansie Shopping Cart can calculate sales tax (or VAT) 5 different ways:
    0 = No sales tax. The cart will not calculate any sales tax.
    1 = Allow sales tax on subtotal.
    2 = Force sales tax on subtotal.
    3 = Allow sales tax on subtotal and shipping charges.
    4 = Force sales tax on subtotal and shipping charges.

    Setting PV#12 to 1 or 3 would tell the cart to allow sales tax. The shopper will be able to select which state/province he lives in, if any.

    If you set PV#12 to 2 or 4 to "force sales tax" then the cart will always charge sales tax. Only one location can be listed and the shopper wouldn't have the ability to deselect it.

    If you are selling a few items that are nontaxable, then use this tag in the corresponding item's HTML form.
    <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="custom2" VALUE="#nontaxable#">
    Of course, make sure the name "custom2" is not in conflict with any other custom name. See Template.html for details on "custom".

    If you set this variable to either 2 or 4 then it's recommended that you keep the Sales Tax State Verification feature in PV#76 turned off.

    13 Your State(s) of taxation -->California
    This is the state(s) you are in where you need to collect sales tax. If you need to collect tax in more than one state define this variable like so:
    13 Your State(s) of taxation -->California,Nevada,Hawaii
    If you only need to collect sales tax in one state, the cart will display a checkbox. If you need to collect tax in multiple states, the cart will display a select pull-down menu. See also the sales tax state verification feature in

    If you have PV#12 set to something other than 0 (off), then don't leave this variable blank. Put something in here such as your state or province of sales taxation or VAT.

    14 State sales tax rate -->7.75
    This is the sales tax rate in your state. If you need to collect tax in more than one state define this variable like so:
    14 State sales tax rate -->7.75,6.00,4.00
    If you are collecting sales tax in multiple states, make sure the numbers here correspond in order with the states defined in #13 above.

    15 bgcolor -->#FFFFFF
    This is the background color of the pages of your shopping cart if no wallpaper is defined in
    Host Variable #5. Want to control the LINK and VLINK colors in the BODY tag of the carts dynamic pages? Set Personal Variable #15 like so:
    -->#FFFFFF" LINK=#0000FF VLINK=#000099 "
    Or with marginheight and marginwidth:
    -->#FFFFFF" marginheight=0 marginwidth=0 "
    Copy and paste this into your vars.dat file. Looks funny, but it will work.

    16 Header font color -->#FF0000
    This is the header font color in the shopping cart.

    17 Header font face -->Times New Roman
    This is the header face font in the shopping cart.

    18 Header font size -->+2
    This is the size of the headers in the shopping cart.

    19 Standard font color -->#000000
    This is the standard font color of the shopping cart.

    20 Standard font face -->Times New Roman

    21 Standard font size -->+1

    22 Thumb-nail image borders -->2
    Define the width of the borders around your thumb-nail images. Can be 0 and up.

    23 Shopper's data expires -->3.0
    This is the amount of days that shopping cart data files are allowed to remain on your host in the "temp" directory, before the shopping cart script deletes them. This makes Dansie Shopping Cart really intelligent and tidy, and prevents you from eventually running out of web space on your host. If you set this variable too low, your shoppers baskets could be erased before they are finished completing their order. Between 1 and 3 days are recommended settings.
    3.0  = three days.
    1.0  = one day.
    0.5  = 12 hours.
    0.08 = two hours.
    0.04 = one hour.
    The Dansie Shopping Cart immediately empties the shoppers basket after the following types of orders:
    It doesn't immediately empty the shoppers baskets for the following payment options because the sales are not yet final. The customer may decide to go back and add a couple more items to their cart before calling in their credit card number or mailing you their check. 24 Secure online cc transaction payment option -->1
    If this is set to 1 then the option of Secure online credit card transaction will appear in the shopping cart. If set to 0 then it will not appear. If you are going to accept credit cards as a payment option, see
    Section 11 in this ReadMe for details on setting that up.

    If you are using coupons and a shopper's grand total comes to $0.00, if they select a credit card payment option, they will be issued a receipt page rather than submitting $0.00 to a processor for payment.

    After Secure Online Credit Card Transactions, Online Check Drafts and COD orders, the customers data file is immediately erased because the order is considered final. However, with Credit Card Transaction Via Telephone and Check Or Money Order, the contents of their shopping cart are not erased as the order is not final and the customer could still choose to go back and add more items to their cart before they send you their check or call you.

    25 Transaction via toll free number payment option -->1
    Enables credit card transaction via toll free phone number. Set this to 1 to enable it and 0 to disable it.

    26 Check or Money Order payment option -->1
    Enables transaction via Check or Money Order. Set this to 1 to enable it and 0 to disable it.

    The "Check or Money Order" payment option is not designed to take your customers shipping address if you set it to "1". It just gives them a custom order form that they can print out and mail to you with their check/money order. If you would like the cart script to take your customers shipping address and notify you by email when they may be placing an order via "Check or Money Order", then set this variable to "2" (Without the quotes.)

    Notes: Remember, you never know if the customer is really going to order the products until you receive their check in the mail. Therefore, the contents of your customers shopping cart will not be immediately erased after they place their order. This way if your customer decides to go back and add just one more item to their cart, they wont find it empty and get frustrated.

    27 Allow shipping -->1
    The cart has six shipping calculation methods you can use:
    1. Set this variable to 1 if you want the shopping cart to calculate shipping costs based upon the weight of the products they are purchasing.
    2. Set this variable to 1 if you want the shopping cart to calculate shipping costs based upon a flat fee for each item.
    3. Set this variable to 2 if you want the shopping cart to calculate shipping costs based upon the amount of the customer's purchase with flat charges at various increments. Example:
      Under $100   - $10 s&h
      $100 - $200  - $20 s&h
      $200 or over - Free
    4. Set this to 2 if you want the shopping cart to calculate shipping costs based upon the amount of the customer's purchase with flat charges at various increments. Example:
      Under $100   - 5%
      $100 - $200  - 4%
      $200 or over - Free
    5. Set this to 1 if you want to use Custom Database Shipping Tables.
    6. If you are going to make a "shipping included" type of statement, then set this to 0. The cart wont calculate any shipping then.
    Section 10 for detailed information on setting up shipping charges.

    28 Show shipping weight with each item -->0
    If you set
    #27 above to 0 or 2, then ignore this variable. If you set this to 1 then you will see shipping with each item on the invoices. If you set this to 0 then you will only see shipping at the bottom of each invoice. Try it either way and see which you like best. If you set this to 1, make sure you define #32 below also.

    29 Shipping methods -->Standard UPS,2 day UPS,Next day UPS,Europe,Australia
    If you set
    #27 above to 0 or 2, then ignore this variable. This is an array containing all of the shipping methods you want to offer if you are doing shipping by the weight of your items. Separate them with commas like you see here. You may define anywhere from 1 to 100 shipping locations (or more). Nice huh?

    30 Initial shipping cost of first pound -->5.95,8.95,18.95,15.00,20.00
    If you set
    #27 above to 0 or 2, then ignore this variable. These are the prices of the initial shipping costs of each item (per pound/kilo). They must correspond in order with #29 above. Set them to whatever you need to. Then, in each product's HTML form, use a tag like this:
    "sh" means shipping and handling. "1" means one pound/kilo.

    Do you want the cart to say something like "Call for shipping quote" and not have any numeric value appear in the SELECT pull-down menu? Then set both PV#30 and PV#31 like so:
    30 Initial shipping cost of first pound -->0.00
    The "0.00" will tell the cart to not show ANY number (price) in that option.

    If you use decimals for the shipping weights of some of your products (for example, 4.2 lbs), you can choose if you want the cart to round up the shopper's total shipping weight to the next whole number, or calculate exact shipping including the decimals. See PV#84.

    31 Shipping cost for each additional pound -->.50,.50,.50,2,3
    These are the costs of each additional (pound/kilo) per unit. They must also correspond in order with the
    #29 and #30 above. Example: If someone selects "Standard UPS" and their order has 3 pounds (or kilos) of products in it, the cart will charge 5.95 + .50 + .50 (6.95 total.)

    Do you want the cart to say something like "Call for shipping quote" and not have any numeric value appear in the SELECT pull-down menu? Then set both PV#30 and PV#31 like so:
    30 Initial shipping cost of first pound -->0.00
    The "0.00" will tell the cart to not show ANY number (price) in that option.

    32 Type of measure of weight. lbs or kg, etc. or just "units" -->Lbs.
    This concept allows your shopping cart to be very accurate about shipping costs. You may set this to lbs or kg, etc. or just "units". The shopping cart doesn't really understand what a pound or kilo is, but this word that you define here will be displayed in the shopping cart if you have
    #28 above set to 1. It will be there to tell your customer how many "pounds" an item weighs for S&H purposes.

    33 Is your host currently resolving IP addresses? -->1
    1 = yes. 0 = no.
    Sometimes hosts don't resolve IP addresses and in the email that you receieve it will say something like as the IP address. You may convert that to something like this: wt-03.aol.com But at first, just leave this at 1. Later, if you notice that all the IP addresses look like "" then set this variable to 0. Some hosts don't support resolving IP addresses and if you set this to 0, it could cause the server to not respond or respond very slowly. Keep that in mind if you decide to change this to 0.

    34 Shipping calculated by amount of purchase: Locations -->USA,Canada,U.S. Territories
    You only need to set this variable if you set
    #27 above to 2. These values must correspond in order with the values in #35 below. The locations above are separated by commas. The corresponding shipping costs in #35 below are separated by vertical pipe symbols "|". You may define as many locations as you wish.

    35 Shipping calculated by amount of purchase: Amounts -->55,3.95,100,5|55,6.95,100,10|55,9.95,100,20
    You only need to set this variable if you set #27 above to 2. #35 above contains shipping calculation information for the three corresponding locations defined in #34 above. The three sets of information are separated by "|". The purchase amounts and shipping charges are separated by commas. In the above example, "55" is the lowest purchase amount defined for USA. The next number, "3.95", is the shipping charge (for any purchase amounts under $55). The third number, "100", is the highest purchase amount defined for USA in this example. The fourth number, "5", means that $5.00 will be charged for any purchase amounts that are under $100. Any purchase amounts $100 or over, will be "free shipping" or "shipping included" in this example. In the above example shipping for USA would be calculated like so:
    Order sub-totals Under $55                            - $3.95 s&h
    Order sub-totals Under $100 (but greater than $54.99) - $5.00
    Any order $100 and over                               - s&h is free.
    Always set this variable from smallest order totals to largest (ie, 55 to 100, not 100 to 55). Any sub-total equaling or exceeding the highest defined would be considered free shipping, so define it as high as you need to. Example: 55,3.95,100,5,200,10,500,25,1000,50

    If you want to use percentages instead of flat charges, set this variable like so:

    5% shipping for orders totaling $100 or less.
    4% shipping for orders totaling $200 or less.
    3% shipping totaling $1000 or less.
    2% shipping totaling $1000000 or less.
    Free shipping when subtotal is over $1000000.

    Do you want the cart to say something like "Call for shipping quote" and not have any numeric value appear in the SELECT pull-down menu? Then set PV#35 like so:
    35 Shipping calculated by amount of purchase: Amounts -->0.00
    The "0.00" will tell the cart to not show ANY number (price) in that option.

    36 Currency Symbol and decimals -->$|2|,
    This variable has three fields separated by the "|" (pipe) character. The first field will be the currency symbol you want the cart to display. The second field is how many decimal places you want the cart to use with your currency. The third field is what character you want used to separate the currency every three digits. Examples:
    36 Currency Symbol and decimals -->$|2|,
         Which will yield: $ 9,999.99
    36 Currency Symbol and decimals -->L|0|.
         Which will yield: L 9.000
    36 Currency Symbol and decimals -->£|2|,
         Which will yield: £ 9,999.99
    Note: If you have this variable set to use no decimals, then it's recommended to not use any decimals in your prices or the programs calculations may not appear correct. The currency separator character is not used in all places in the cart where numbers are shown, but only in the subtotal and grand total areas. Also, if you use the Korean currency symbol "\" then you may need to leave
    Personal Variables #17 and #20 blank or the Korean browser may not display the Korean currency symbol correctly.
    If you have this set to use the British Pound "£" but the symbol isn't displayed properly in the carts purchase buttons and email receipts, your host may not have the proper language encoding for your website. Set PV#36 with "&pound;" instead.

    37 Email receipt to customer -->1
    The Dansie Shopping Cart always gives your customer a printable receipt in their web browser. However, if you would like the cart to send them a receipt by email too, then set this variable to 1. If not, set it to 0.

    38 Background color of various tables -->#ddFFFF
    When a customer chooses "Check or Money Order" transaction, they get a printable custom order form. This form has a table where they print their shipping address. You can set the background color of this table here. If you leave it blank, the default is white. This is here in case you want to use a white font (#16) on your pages and still be able to read this table. This also sets the color in the row across the top of the shopping cart display where it says, Item: Description: Quantity: Each: Total:

    39 IP addresses or cookies for shopper ID -->1
    0 = IP address, browser and operating system info alone.
    1 = Cookies first, but if disabled, use IP address, browser and operating system info.
    2 = Cookies alone.

    The recommended and most reliable way for the cart to identify your shoppers is if you set this variable to 1 AND your shoppers have cookies enabled in their browser.

    40 Size of table borders when viewing shopping cart -->3
    This will set the thickness of the borders in the HTML table on the page that your customers see after they put an item in the cart, or view the cart. If you set this to 0, there will be horizontal rules
    between items for clarity.

    41 The width of the table when viewing the shopping cart -->90%
    Just like it says. If you are not sure what this does, set it to 50% and then put an item in your cart. You will see that the page seems too narrow. You may set this to pixels or percentages. Examples:
    41 The width of the table when viewing the shopping cart -->85%
    41 The width of the table when viewing the shopping cart -->600
    41 The width of the table when viewing the shopping cart -->800

    42 Online Check Draft Option -->icheck
    Yes, a fourth payment option. This is related to
    #24, #25, #26 and #45. You have six options here. Examples:
    42 Online Check Draft Option -->0
    42 Online Check Draft Option -->icheck
    42 Online Check Draft Option -->http://www.dansie.net/cgi-bin/scripts/ssl.pl
    42 Online Check Draft Option -->telecheck
    42 Online Check Draft Option -->https://oec2.chexpedite.net/YOURID/NBDS_FromCart.asp

    This variable is related to PV#50, PV#51 and PV#60.

    43 Use "state" field in shipping address -->1
    Europeans don't need to ask for this field in the shipping address. If you set this to 0, "state" will not appear in the shipping address forms. If you set it to 1, it will. Basically, if you expect all your customers will be outside the USA, then set this to 0, turning it off.

    44 Show business name at top of all pages -->1
    At the top of the pages that the shopping cart generates, you will see your business name followed by your
    company logo. Some customers have logos that have their business name in it and would like to suppress the display of their business name just above it. If you would like to do this, then set this variable to 0. Else, leave it at 1.

    45 Cash On Delivery payment option -->9.50
    A fifth payment option. This is related to
    #24, #25, #26 and #42. Set this to the price you want to charge your customers for shipping products to them in this manner. Set this to 0 if you do not wish to allow this payment option. If you wish to allow this payment option, but not charge anything for it, then set it to: "0.00".

    46 Customer Comments -->30|4
    This variable, if used, will create a TEXTAREA box where your customers enter their shipping information. You may solicit them for "Comments, questions, suggestions" or "Special shipping instructions" or a personal message if they are shipping the products to a loved one. This variable needs two numbers separated by the "|" character. The first number is the number of columns you want in the TEXTAREA. The second number is the number of rows you want in the TEXTAREA. Want to change the wording just above the TEXTAREA box? See lang.dat variable #99. If you do not wish to have this TEXTAREA box to appear in your cart, then either set this variable to 0 or leave it blank.
    If you would like some default text to appear inside the TEXTAREA, then set a third field here like so:
    46 Customer Comments -->60|8|What is your favorite color?<BR><BR>Favorite number?<BR><BR>Favorite rock band?<BR><BR>Favorite movie?
    (Use the <BR> tag to indicate line breaks.)

    47 Required fields -->name,company,address,city,state,zip,country,phone,email,comments
    If you set PV#47 like you see above, then all shipping and billing address fields will be required. If any of these words are in this variable the cart will require that your customers include that info when they submit their shipping/billing address. If you don't want to require that your customers include their phone number, then don't put that word in this variable, etc.
    To activate the email address confirmation feature (cart.pl version 3.47+), set this variable with "confirm_email". A new field will appear next to the email address field prompting the shopper to type in their email address a second time for confirmation. If they leave the field blank or it doesn't match their first email address field, they will be asked to fix it. Example:
    47 Required fields -->name,email,confirm_email
    Make sure you have lang.dat #174 and #175 from the latest lang.dat file. Note that if a shopper has cookies enabled and they return to your website to place a second order, their shipping address cookie will remember their email address and they will not need to confirm their email address again.

    48 Turn off all JavaScript -->0
    The Dansie Shopping Cart uses a little JavaScript to autocalc prices in the buttons and a few other minor things. The cart's JavaScript is compatible with MSIE and Netscape browsers both new and older versions except with some Mac browser versions and version 3.01 of Netscape which has a bug with JavaScript being used inside of nested tables. However, these nice features are not necessary for the cart to work. You can turn all JavaScript off if you like. Just set this variable to 1.

    49 Add and redirect -->0
    The Dansie Shopping Cart has the ability to add your customers items to their cart without needing to actually load a new page and view their shopping cart contents everytime. If you set this variable to 1, it will activate the "Add and Redirect" feature. Set it to 0 and the cart will show your customer their shopping cart contents everytime they put an item in it. If you set this to 2, then your customers item will be added and they will be redirected without the JavaScript popup box.

    If you would like to keep this variable set to 0, but you have a few products that you would like to use this feature with, then use this tag in those HTML product forms:

    Make sure the URLs in your HTML FORM tags are EXACTLY the same as the URL in Host Variable #1. For example, notice how these two URLs below are NOT the same:
    One is missing the "www.". If you wish to run your shopping cart without the "www." in the URL, that is fine, just make sure that Host Variable #1 is set that way too. Otherwise, when using the Add and Redirect feature, the cart will keep informing you that it is empty.

    50 i-check or Telecheck ID -->
    If you have an account with
    i-check or Signio/Verisign's Telecheck for Online Check Drafts, then put your account ID here. Make sure you have Personal Variable #42 set to properly too.
    Currency Exchange Rate Feature:
    If you are having the Dansie Shopping Cart use a currency other than US Dollars, but need to have it translated to US Dollars before sending the customer to i-Check, then set this variable like so:
    The first field to the left of the "|" character will be your ID with i-Check like normal. The field on the right of the "|" character will be the exchange rate. The total will be divided by the number you place here before the customer is sent to i-Check.
    51 Wallpaper URL or background color on check draft table -->#808080
    If you have
    Personal Variable #42 set to the URL to your ssl.pl script and are going to have the shopping cart collect and send you your customers bank and check info, then set this variable to the full URL path to some wallpaper that you would like to have appear in the background of the check table. Or set it to a solid background color like you see here. If you are accessing your ssl.pl script via "https" then it is recommended to access this image via "https" too.

    52 Webstore discount -->subtotal|100|10
    The Dansie Shopping Cart can calculate discounts for your customers based upon either the "subtotal" or the total number of "items" they are purchasing. In the above example, if you set Personal Variable #52 this way in your vars.dat file, it will subtract 10% from any orders subtotaling $100 or more. If you set this variable like this: "items|10|15", the cart will apply a 15% discount if your customer orders 10 items or more. The first field must be either "subtotal" or "items". The second and third fields can be any numerical value you like. If you do not wish to use this feature leave this variable blank. If you would like to provide more discounts at a higher subtotal or item total, then add more values to PV#52 like so:
    52 Webstore discount -->subtotal|500|10|600|15|1000|20
    $500 gets a 10% discount. $600 gets a 15% discount. And $1000 gets a 20% discount. Etc.
    The Dansie Shopping Cart has three discount features:
    Webstore Discount, Coupon Discount, and Volume Discount Pricing described in section 1C of the Template.html file.

    If you have the cart set to use Webstore or Coupon discounts but you want certain items to always be full price and never be discounted, then use a tag like so:
    <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="custom1" VALUE="#nodiscount#">
    In order to reduce confusion for your customers it is highly recommended to include another custom description tag like this:
    <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="custom2" VALUE="No discounts on this item.">

    53 Email Signature -->Dansie Shopping Cart|CGI Software for your webstore|http://www.dansie.net|cart@dansie.net
    You can have this info appended to the bottom of email receipts that get sent to your customers. Put your name, company slogan, mailing address, website address, email address, phone number here, etc. Use the "|" to indicate where you want line breaks. If you don't wish to use a signature, then leave this blank. If you set this to "default" (without the quotes), the shopping cart will automatically put your business name (
    PV#4), website address (HV#2) and email address (PV#2) at the bottom of the email receipts.

    54 Paper color font -->
    Some people like to use a black background and a white font. However, you can't read it when you print it out on a printer. If you must use a white font, but want to use a different color on your receipt pages so your customer can read what they print out, set this to the receipt page font color and either wallpaper or background color. Example:
    54 Paper color font -->#000000|#FFFFFF
    54 Paper color font -->#000000|http://www.YourName.com/SpecialWallpaper.gif
    If you want to use the same font colors throughout the cart and even on the receipt pages then just leave this variable blank.

    55 Disable all diagnostics for security reasons -->0
    The Dansie Shopping Cart has some helpful diagnostic features. Such as:
    If you feel that allowing your cart script to display these environment variables and system paths could be a security risk for you, then set this variable to 1. To enable all diagnostics leave this variable at 0. If you ever email us because you need any help with your shopping cart make sure this is set to 0 so we can help you. We recommend leaving this set to 0 until you feel your web store is complete. When everything is working properly and you are ready to take your web store public, then set this to 1 if you like. Note: If your vars.dat file is missing from your cgi-bin or your cart.pl script can't find it, env, path and lang will still work.

    56 Meta Tags --><META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1">
    If you are going to translate your lang.dat file into a foreign language and you need the Dansie Shopping Cart to use a special meta tag, set it here. If you don't have any clue what this is about, then just ignore this variable or leave it blank. Anything you insert in this variable will appear between the <HEAD></HEAD> tags of the carts pages. You can also put CSS (Cascading Style Sheet) tags here.

    For Japanese, set this with:
    <META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=shift_jis">

    See also
    PV#87 for setting the HTML DOCTYPE Tag.

    57 Email Content-Type -->text/plain; charset=iso-8859-2
    If you are going to translate your lang.dat file into a foreign language and you need the Dansie Shopping Cart to use a special content type in the email, set it here. If you don't have any clue what this is about, then just ignore this variable or leave it blank.

    You can put HTML tags in your lang.dat file to make radical changes to the appearance of the cart. If you are seeing a lot of HTML tags appearing in the email receipts, then set
    Personal Variable #57 to:
    57 Email Content-Type -->text/html

    If you have translated the lang.dat file to Japanese, set this to:
    57 Email Content-Type -->text/plain; charset=x-sjis

    This variable may also be used to pass custom email headers with cart.pl version 3.55+ standard version. To pass custom headers, set this variable like so:
    57 Email Content-Type -->text/plain|X-Header: anything here|X-Header2: anything here too
    Begin the variable setting with either "text/plain" or "text/html", then separate each additional header with a pipe "|" character.

    58 Email Content-Transfer-Encoding -->8-bit
    If you are going to translate your lang.dat file into a foreign language and you need the Dansie Shopping Cart to use special encoding in the email, set it here. If you don't have any clue what this is about, then just ignore this variable or leave it blank.

    59 Allow Coupon/Gift Certificate Discount -->1
    Activating this feature will allow your customers to enter a coupon or gift certificate number that will give them a discount. If you do not wish to use this feature, then set this variable to 0. Set this to 1 if you want to activate this feature. If you do not wish to have the
    Webstore Discount (PV#52) feature to be available in conjunction with this discount feature, then set this variable to 2. This way if a customer qualifies for the Webstore Discount and enters in a coupon or gift certificate number, they will only get the discount associated with this feature and not the Webstore Discount. How it works: Create a file named "discount.dat" and put it in the same directory as your vars.dat file. This file should look like so:
    If a customer enters in a coupon or gift certificate number that matches a string in one of the left fields, the customer will receive the discount in the corresponding right field. Use the "|" delimiter for this file. The gift certificate numbers can be anywhere from 1 to 10 characters long made up of numbers and/or letters. You may designate the values as either percentages or flat amounts. Example: If a customer enters in "abc" they will receive a 10% discount on their order. If a customer enters in "456" they will receive a $50 discount on their order. The discount will apply on the subtotal of their order but not on their sales tax and shipping. So they will still pay for any applicable sales tax and shipping. You may have as many coupon/gift certificate numbers and values as you wish in your "discount.dat" file. The numbers don't delete themselves from the discount.dat file after use. You will need to remove them when you want them removed.
    The Dansie Shopping Cart has three discount features: Webstore Discount, Coupon Discount, and Volume Discount Pricing described in section 1C of the Template.html file.

    If you have the cart set to use Webstore or Coupon discounts but you want certain items to always be full price and never be discounted, then use a tag like so:
    <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="custom1" VALUE="#nodiscount#">
    In order to reduce confusion for your customers it is highly recommended to include another custom description tag like this:
    <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="custom2" VALUE="No discounts on this item.">

    60 URL to Online Check Draft image instructions -->
    If you don't have
    PV#42 set to the full URL to your ssl.pl script, then you can ignore this variable. If you do, then set this to the full URL of an image that may be visually helpful in filling out the Online Check Draft form. Example:
    60 URL to Online Check Draft image instructions -->http://www.dansie.net/images/check.gif
    If you are accessing your ssl.pl script in "https" mode then it's best to access this image via "https" as well.

    61 Disable truncating of quantity numbers -->0
    The Dansie Shopping Cart normally truncates all quantity numbers if your customers try to type something in like "2.5" into the quantity box. However, if you would like to disable this feature, set this variable to 1. If you would like to remove the ability of your shoppers to change the quantity of their items after they place them in the basket, then set this variable to 2. The "Change" button will not be displayed then.

    62 Auxiliary payment option -->
    A sixth payment option. This is related to
    #24, #25, #26, #42 and #45. If you don't need a sixth payment option, then leave this variable blank. If you do, then type in some text here like so:
    62 Auxiliary payment option -->Free on the house
    lang.dat variable #83 will allow you to put some customized text on the receipt page related to this payment option.

    63 Suppress custom descriptions -->0
    You can set this variable to 0, 1, 2 or 3. Above it's shown being set to 0.

    64 Add items to top or bottom of cart contents? -->top
    After clicking on submit buttons in your HTML product forms, the item gets sent to the cart.pl script and appears on the "Your shopping cart contents:" page. You can have the Dansie Shopping Cart add your new items to either the top or the bottom of that list. Adding to the top is recommended as the shopper can quickly see their new item in their basket. If you have the cart add the new item to the bottom, they may need to scroll down to see it. You can set this variable to either "top" or "bottom".

    65 Shopper ID Prefix -->
    Most likely you will want to leave this variable blank. However, if you would like to append something to the beginning of your shopper ID numbers like a letter or two, then set that here. For example if a customer's shopper ID number would be 101, but you set this variable like so:
    65 Shopper ID Prefix -->A
    Then the customer's shopper ID number will appear like so: A101

    66 Authorized HTTP_REFERER domains -->
    This variable is a security device that allows you to control which domains your script will accept POSTs from when shoppers are adding items to their shopping basket. It will prevent people from saving your web pages to their computer, changing the prices in your HTML forms and submitting it from their computer. You may set it like so:
    66 Authorized HTTP_REFERER URLs -->www.YourName.com,
    Put domain names or IP address here, but not URLs. Do not put "http://" in this variable. Do not put page names. Do not put URLs. Just domains or IP address as you see in the example above, separated by commas. The cart.pl script will compare the environment variable HTTP_REFERER with the domains you list here. If there is no match, then the item will not be added to the customers shopping cart basket. You may set as many authorized domains in this variable as you like separated by commas. If you don't wish to use this feature, you may leave this variable blank. If you are testing your HTML forms on your own computer, it is recommended to leave this variable blank or the items will never get added to your basket. If you have problems getting items to be added to your basket while using this feature, then leave this variable blank.

    If one of your shoppers can't seem to add an item to their basket and they get a PV#66 security message, but it works fine for you or anyone else, it could be that the shopper is behind a firewall. Some firewalls allow you to make exceptions for certain domains while other firewalls will need to be lowered in order to complete a purchase when this variable is set. If the cart keeps giving you PV#66 error messages, you will need to:
    67 Display "Empty Entire Cart" Button -->0
    If you set this variable to 1 then a button will appear in the main Shopping Cart Contents page that will allow your shoppers to empty their entire cart by clicking one button.
    lang.dat variables related to this variable are #87, 88 and 89. If you do not wish to allow this option, then leave this variable blank or set to 0. Version 3.65+ will increment the shopper's shopper ID number when this button is pressed allowing a new shopper ID number for a shopper that wants to place 2 or more separate orders.

    68 Minimum/Maximum Order -->10|10000
    If you set this variable to 10|10000 then the Dansie Shopping Cart wont let anyone place an order unless their subtotal is $10 or higher. Also, they wont be able to complete an order in which the subtotal is over $10,000. You can set it to any value you like. If you don't wish to use this feature then leave this variable blank. If you use this feature make sure that lang.dat #18 and #176 has something like this in them:
    18 -->Mimimum Order:<BR>To place an order, the subtotal must be a minimum of:
    176 -->You have reached the Maximum Order amount allowed. If you wish to place an order this large, please call us directly.

    69 Order Tracking -->
    The Dansie Shopping Cart can append summary information of every order to a pipe delimited "|" file called "tracking.dat". This info may be used for many purposes. You may import this data into many existing database manipulation and management programs or create a program that will interpret and display this info for you. The fields of info that the cart appends are as follows:

    1. Shopper ID number (coupon codes will appear here too separated by a dash "-" if used.)
    2. Customer name and company name
    3. Email address
    4. Phone number
    5. Order total (including shipping and sales tax)
    6. Shipping charges
    7. Shipping method
    8. Products ordered (comma delimited) the prices and custom descriptions of each item (:: delimited). The quantity of each item will also appear in parenthesis.
    9. Date
    10. Sales tax
    11. Shipping Address
    12. City
    13. State
    14. Zip
    15. Country
    16. The payment method chosen by your customer
    17. Billing name and billing company name
    18. Billing address
    19. Billing city
    20. Billing state
    21. Billing zip
    22. Billing country
    23. Billing phone number
    24. Billing email
    25. Customer comments, if any. Original line breaks are replaced with a "" character.
    To utilize this feature, create an empty file called "tracking.dat", upload it to the directory you want and make sure it is writable. Then set the system path to the tracking.dat file in this variable like so:
    69 Order Tracking -->/path/to/cgi-bin/tracking.dat
    Not sure what your system path is? Go here:
    Do NOT set a URL in PV#69. Set the system path.
    This ReadMe will speak of "URLs" and "system paths". URL stand for Uniform Resource Locator. It is a website address that starts with "http" and is accessed via a web browser. A system path is a local path to a file on your hosts machine. Perl accesses files on your host's machine with system paths. System paths on Unix hosts start with a slash "/". System paths on Windows NT hosts start with a drive letter and a colon like so: "c:/home/YourName/cgi-bin/tracking.dat"
    Try to keep this in mind and not get the two confused.

    Storing credit card numbers in flat-file database format:
    Near the top of the ssl.pl script, if you set the $ssl_tracking_dir variable with a system path, then the ssl.pl script will record credit card info in a flat-file database format there. Example:
    $ssl_tracking_dir = "/secure/host/path/to/cgi-bin/tracking.dat";
    Make sure you make this file first and set write permissions on it.
    Please note that billing address info is not collected or recorded when using the Check or Money Order or COD payment options.

    70 Collect Company Name in shipping and billing -->1
    If you set this variable to 1 the Dansie Shopping Cart will collect your customers company name on the shipping and billing address page. If you set it to 0, then a text field that prompts for this info will not appear. Make sure that you have something like this in lang.dat #90:
    90 -->Company Name:
    Also, this field can be made to appear but not required. Or appear and be required. See
    PV#47 for details.

    71 Auxiliary Real-Time Credit Card Processor Payment Option -->
    This is a 7th payment option. Other payment options are
    #24, #25, #26, #42, #45, #62 and #81. The Dansie Shopping Cart currently works with many different real-time credit card processors as you can see in section 11 of this ReadMe. This payment option allows you to have the cart work with more than one real-time credit card processor. How to activate this payment option: The cart can also be customized to work with a new processor. See:
    First make the "test_form.html" file and confirm that the form works. Then make the processor.dat file, rename it to "processor2.dat", upload it to the same directory as your vars.dat file and set PV#71 like so:
    71 Auxiliary Real-Time Credit Card Processor Payment Option -->processor2.dat

    If you need to set "Success" and "Failure" return URLs in your processors account, set them like so:
    Success: http://www.YourName.com/cgi-bin/cart.pl?aux_processorSSV#6
    Failure: http://www.YourName.com/cgi-bin/cart.pl?failure
    Change SSV#6 above to what you have in SSV#6.

    If you need the cart to make a currency conversion before sending the shopper to a special processor, set this variable like so:
    71 -->https://www.YourProcessor.com/cgi-bin/process.cgi|Your@Email.com|2.5
    Notice there are three fields. Set your exchange rate in the third field. This works with cart.pl version 3.49+.

    72 Email Receipt Tables -->15|26|4|10|10
    This variable allows you to change the way the email receipts look, making them more compact in a table type format. To use this feature, tell the cart program the width you want each column. The columns are respectively: The above settings are recommended for the column widths. You may set a column width to 0 (zero) and it will disable that column in the email receipts. Make sure you have lang variables #156 and #157 set in your
    lang.dat file. Customize them as you like. If you do not wish to use this feature, leave this variable blank. If you use a lot of HTML in your lang.dat file and your email receipts don't look right, then it's recommended to leave this variable blank.

    If, when using this feature, the text in lang.dat #156 doesn't appear to be spaced out properly, see that you leave PV#57 blank!

    73 Show shipping weight total on receipt pages -->1
    If you have the cart calculating shipping by the weight of the items and you have PV#27 set to 1, then you can also have the cart display the total weight of all the items near the sub total on receipt pages. Just set this variable to 1 to turn it on. If you do not wish to use this feature, leave this variable blank.

    74 States -->Alabama,Alaska,Arizona,etc...
    If this variable is set, then a pull-down SELECT menu will appear to collect the state on the carts page that collects the shipping/billing address. If you leave this variable blank, a TEXT field will appear where your shoppers can type in their state. You can enter as many states here as you like separated by commas. They will appear in the order you list them here. One neat feature, is if you spell your state(s) in
    PV#13 exactly as you spell them here, then if a shopper selects that they live within a sales taxable area, the cart will display the correct state as selected instead of the first state you list here. The default list of states that comes with the vars.dat file can be modified to include Canadian provinces etc. Customize the list however you like.

    75 Countries -->USA,European Economic Community,Albania,Algeria,etc...
    If this variable is set, then a pull-down SELECT menu will appear to collect the country on the carts page that collects the shipping/billing address. If you leave this variable blank, a TEXT field will appear where your shoppers can type in their country. You can enter as many countries here as you like separated by commas. They will appear in the order you list them here. The default list of countries that comes with the vars.dat file can be modified to include more or fewer countries. Customize the list however you like.

    76 Sales tax state verification -->1|shipping
    This variable has two fields. The first field toggles the feature on and off and the second field tells the cart to apply the sales tax on either the "shipping" or "billing" address. If the second field is blank, default is shipping address. First field:
    0 = Turns sales tax state verification off.
    1 = Compares the shoppers shipping address state with the list of state(s) you have listed in PV#13. If there is a match, the shopper will be automatically charged sales tax.
    2 = Compares the shoppers shipping address country with the list of state(s) you have listed in PV#13. If there is a match, the shopper will be automatically charged sales tax.

    Valid values for the second field are "shipping" or "billing".

    How it works:
    Also, make sure you have set these variables properly:

    77 System path to .htpasswd file -->
    This variable has been made obsolete as you can now define a system path to numerous .htpasswd files for each product download you have listed in the passwords.dat file. See the
    Sell Passwords feature for details.

    78 Refuse email addresses -->
    You can tell the cart to refuse to accept orders with email addresses from domains or domain extensions that pose a security risk to your online business. Such as email addresses from anonymous email accounts or from foreign countries. Example:
    78 Refuse email addresses -->.ru,hotmail.com,jack@bigfoot.com
    In the above example, the cart wouldn't accept an order from anyone So you may define just a domain extension, a domain, or a complete email address. Adjust lang.dat variables #162 and #163 to best convey the language you would like the cart to use when a shopper attempts to use an email address domain that you have set the cart to refuse.

    79 Referral ID -->
    Sign up with the Dansie Shopping Cart Referral Program and earn free Dansie Shopping Cart software licenses with referred sales. Set this variable with your referral ID like so:
    79 Referral ID -->domain.com
    The cart.pl script will then automatically change the text link at the bottom of the pages generated by the cart.pl script to include your referral ID.

    80 Pending Order Tracking -->
    The Dansie Shopping Cart can append summary information of every order to a pipe delimited "|" file called "tracking.dat". See details on this in
    PV#69. However, if you are using a credit card processor (PV#24), this info may not get recorded if a shopper's browser doesn't return from a credit card processor's website. PV#80 can preemptively record this information for you BEFORE the cart sends the shopper to the credit card processor's website. This info may be used for many purposes. You may create a program that will interpret and display this info for you. The fields of info that the cart appends are as follows:

    1. Shopper ID number (coupon codes will appear here too separated by a dash "-" if used.)
    2. Customer name and company name
    3. Email address
    4. Phone number
    5. Order total (including shipping and sales tax)
    6. Shipping charges
    7. Shipping method
    8. Products ordered (comma delimited) the prices and custom descriptions of each item (:: delimited). The quantity of each item will also appear in parenthesis.
    9. Date
    10. Sales tax
    11. Shipping Address
    12. City
    13. State
    14. Zip
    15. Country
    16. The payment method chosen by your customer
    17. Billing name
    18. Billing address
    19. Billing city
    20. Billing state
    21. Billing zip
    22. Billing country
    23. Billing phone number
    24. Billing email
    25. Customer comments, if any. Original line breaks are replaced with a "" character.
    To utilize this feature, create an empty file called "pending.dat", upload it to the directory you want and make sure it is writable. Then set the system path to the pending.dat file in this variable like so:
    80 Pending Order Tracking -->/path/to/cgi-bin/pending.dat
    Not sure what your system path is? Go here:
    Do NOT set a URL in PV#80. Set the system path.
    This ReadMe will speak of "URLs" and "system paths". URL stand for Uniform Resource Locator. It is a website address that starts with "http" and is accessed via a web browser. A system path is a local path to a file on your hosts machine. Perl accesses files on your host's machine with system paths. System paths on Unix hosts start with a slash "/". System paths on Windows NT hosts start with a drive letter and a colon like so: "c:/home/YourName/cgi-bin/pending.dat"
    Try to keep this in mind and not get the two confused.

    81 Second Auxiliary Real-Time Credit Card Processor Payment Option -->
    This is an 8th payment option. Other payment options are
    #24, #25, #26, #42, #45, #62 and #71 . The Dansie Shopping Cart currently works with many different real-time credit card processors as you can see in section 11 of this ReadMe. This payment option allows you to have the cart work simultaneously with a third real-time credit card processor. How to activate this payment option: The cart can also be customized to work with a new processor. See:
    First make the "test_form.html" file and confirm that the form works. Then make the processor.dat file, rename it to "processor3.dat", upload it to the same directory as your vars.dat file and set PV#71 like so:
    81 Second Auxiliary Real-Time Credit Card Processor Payment Option -->processor3.dat

    If you need to set "Success" and "Failure" return URLs in your processors account, set them like so:
    Success: http://www.YourName.com/cgi-bin/cart.pl?aux_processor2SSV#6
    Failure: http://www.YourName.com/cgi-bin/cart.pl?failure
    Change SSV#6 above to what you have in SSV#6.

    If you need the cart to make a currency conversion before sending the shopper to a special processor, set this variable like so:
    81 -->https://www.YourProcessor.com/cgi-bin/process.cgi|Your@Email.com|2.5
    Notice there are three fields. Set your exchange rate in the third field. This works with cart.pl version 3.49+.

    82 Suppress shipping/billing address in customers email receipts -->
    If you set this variable with a "1" the customers shipping and billing address will not be emailed back to them in their email receipt. The merchant will always get a copy in their email receipt. If you set this to "0" or leave it blank, customers shipping and billing address will be echoed back to them in their email receipt.

    83 Collect only billing address for credit card payments -->
    Due to concern of possible credit card misuse, some merchants want to ship only to the credit cards billing address. Normally the cart will collect both a shipping and a billing address which allows your customers to enter both their credit card billing address and the shipping address of a loved one. If you set this variable with a "1" the cart will only collect ONE name and address from shoppers when they select a credit card payment option. This compels your shoppers to have the items shipped to the same address as their credit card billing address. If you set this variable to 0 (zero) or leave it blank, the cart will collect both a shipping and billing address from your shoppers. See also lang.dat #172 and customize as you desire. Note that although the cart will only prompt and collect your shopper's credit card billing address if this feature is activated, they could try to change the billing address in the fields while on a real-time credit card processor's website. So always compare and confirm the shipping address is the same.

    84 Round up total shipping weight -->1
    This variable can be used if you are using shipping calculation methods 1 or 2 as described in
    section 10 of the ReadMe.
    85 "Remove" button status -->0
    Dansie Shopping Cart cart.pl version 3.44 allows you to use the "Change" button to remove an item from your basket by entering "0" as the quantity. If you wish to disable the "Remove" button set this variable to 0. If you want the cart to display and use the "Remove" button, then set this variable to 1. To have the cart make the "Change" and "Remove" buttons appear side by side, set this variable to 2. Disabling the "Remove" button will also cause the cart to make a little more efficient use of space on the shopper's Cart Contents page. To change the language the cart uses for these buttons, see lang.dat #35 and 38 in the lang.dat file.

    86 Require customer to checkmark Refund Policy and Terms of Service Agreement checkbox -->2
    Version 3.57 allows you to require your customer to checkmark a checkbox regarding agreement with your refund policy and terms of services agreements. Setting this variable to 0 (zero) will disable this feature. If set to "1", it will activate this feature. Setting this variable to "2" will print a link to your refund policy and terms of service agreements at the bottom of the email receipts. You can customize the language the cart uses with lang.dat variables #177 through 179. If you are upgrading your shopping cart, the new cart.pl script has default language variables even if your lang.dat file is not updated (Less work for Mall Version owners). The cart will automatically have the Refund Policy and Terms of Service Agreement text link to your website URL in Host Variable #2 until you customize it yourself in the lang.dat file.

    87 HTML DOCTYPE Tag -->
    You may set the HTML DOCTYPE Tag that appears at the top of the cart's pages prior to the <HTML> tag. If you don't know what this is or don't want to use it, you should leave this variable blank. See also
    PV#56 for setting meta tags.

    88 Max hits on cart before deny access -->100
    For security reasons, you can set the cart to deny access to bots that access the cart too many times. A hit is defined by accessing the cart in any way including viewing the cart, adding an item to the cart, removing an item from the cart, etc. If you set it too low, you may interfere with normal commerce. If you set it too high, it may not be effective against bots. If you find yourself blocked from running test orders with the cart, just delete the "deny_access_log.dat" in the same directory as the vars.dat file and you will be able to access the cart and run tests again. The cart.pl script automatically deletes the "deny_access_log.dat" every 24 hours. There is default protection of 200 hits for for all carts that have upgraded to cart.pl version 3.67 but don't have PV#88 set. To change the default, add PV#88 to your vars.dat file and define it. Even Mall Version merchants have default protection if their vars.dat file is not set with PV#88.

    You may also consider listing regular offending IP addresses in your .htaccess file. It will block computers from accessing your entire website. Your host can assist you with this. See also an .htaccess tutorials on the web. Here is an example of the contents of an .htaccess file:
    order allow,deny
    deny from
    deny from
    deny from
    allow from all
    You can even list your own IP address to see it's working, then remove your IP address via FTP when finished testing.
    What's my IP address?

    89 Max size (in bytes) of shopper's data files in temp directory before deletion -->200000
    For security reasons, you can set the cart to automatically delete large shopper .dat files in the temp directory. This will prevent abuse from bots that post large amounts of data to the cart. If you set it too low, it can interfere with normal commerce. If you set it too high, it may be ineffective against bots. Default is set to 200K which should never interfere with normal commerce, but put a cap on abusive bots. There is default protection of 200000 bytes for for all carts that have upgraded to cart.pl version 3.67 but don't have PV#89 set. To change the default, add PV#89 to your vars.dat file and define it. Even Mall Version merchants have default protection if their vars.dat file is not set with PV#89.

    90 Larger "img2" images open in new window or same window -->same
    This variable can be set with either "same" or "new". If set with "same", larger "img2" images in HTML forms will be opened in the same window as the shopping cart when the item thumbnail in the cart is clicked on. The shopper will need to click the back button in the browser to return to their shopping cart. If this is set with "new", the larger "img2" images in HTML forms will be opened in a new window. The shopper will need to either close the window or multi-task to return to their shopping cart basket. See section 1 in Template.html for more details about the "img2" tag.

    Back to top.


    The Dansie Shopping Cart can currently calculate shipping six different ways:
    1. By the total weight of all the items. You define the weight of each item. Set Personal Variable #27 to "1" for this method.
    2. A flat fee per item. Example:
      Set Personal Variable #27 to "1" for this method. Set PV#30 and PV#31 to something like "1,1.5,2".
    3. Based upon flat rates at various increments of the subtotal. See Personal Variables #34 and #35. Set Personal Variable #27 to "2" for this method.
    4. Based upon percentages at various increments of the subtotal. See Personal Variables #34 and #35. Set Personal Variable #27 to "2" for this method.
    5. Custom Database Shipping Tables. If your shipping company doesn't have consistent prices for each additional pound, then this is for you.
    6. No shipping. You can turn off all shipping calculations in the cart and just say, "Shipping Included" somewhere on your website.
    SHIPPING TYPE ONE: By the pound/kilo/unit:
    var #27 above is set to 1)

    Shipping for an item will be calculated according to the sh VALUE in the forms of your HTML pages. Example:
    <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=sh VALUE="1"> (See Template.html)
    Or by the value of the shipping field in your flat-file databases. The script will multiply the sh VALUE times the value of #31 above to determine shipping for that item. If your item is heavier, set the sh VALUE to 2,3 or 10. The denomination of the sh VALUE can be pounds, kilograms, or just hypothetical units. This denomination should be defined by #32 above. #32 will be displayed in your script if (#28) is set to 1 and also it is displayed in the email receipts that the script sends to you after orders have been placed.

    Note: The first pound/kilo of the first item will not get the value of #31 but rather the value of #30. This insures that you wont charge someone 50 cents for shipping a one pound item but have to pay $5.95 yourself. Also, if your customer orders only one or two items that weigh less than one pound, the cart will charge them for a full pound. It will charge a minimum of one pound.

    An example of setting up shipping by the pound/kilo/unit:

    Let say that you decide that each unit (#32) is one pound and you set #32 to "lbs". You call some shipping companies and get current prices as to how much they charge for the first pound and each additional pound. Set #30 to the price for the first pound. If five day ground mail is 5.95 and 2 day air is 8.95 and overnight is 18.95, then set #30 to: (5.95,8.95,18.95); Set #31 the same way except how much you want to charge for each additional pound. eg,(.50,.75,.85);. If an item weighs 1 pound then you will put
    in the HTML form in the page where it is sold. If an item weighs 2 pounds then you will put
    in the HTML form in the page where it is sold. The shopping cart will multiply the sh value, times the quantity of that item purchased, times #31 (according to shipping method chosen). Then it will substitute one of the regular price values for the #30 values. Therefore:
    shipping = (Initial unit cost) + ( (units-1) x price per additional unit)
    OR, another way to look at it is:
    shipping = (first pound price) + ( (pounds-1) x price per additional pound)

    SHIPPING TYPE TWO: Flat fee per item:
    var #27 above is set to 1)

    If you want to charge just a flat shipping fee for each item, in terms of dollars (lets say $4.00), then put this in your form:
    (Or put "4.00" in the appropriate field in your database if using them.)
    and set both #30 and #31 to something like this: (1,1.5,2). This way your cheapest form of shipping will be $4.00, your next shipping method would be $6.00 (4 x 1.5) and your most expensive shipping method would be $8.00 (4 x 2).

    Remember, you can provide as many shipping locations as you wish and to as many states and countries as as you like. All you have to do is put more locations (or speeds such as "overnight") in #29, and more values in #30 and #31.

    SHIPPING TYPE THREE: Scaled according to the subtotal with flat rates at various increments:
    (When var
    #27 above is set to 2)

    This is an easier way to set up your shipping charges, but not as accurate as by the pound/kilo. If you use this method, you will not have to use the "sh" hidden input tags in your HTML forms. Example:
    (Wont be necessary in your forms.)

    $5 shipping for orders totaling $100 or less.
    $10 shipping for orders totaling $200 or less.
    $50 shipping totaling $1000 or less.
    Over $1000, free shipping.

    Read PERSONAL VARIABLE #34 and #35 above for details about how to use this shipping method.

    If you don't want shipping considered on some particular items, then use a tag like so in your HTML forms:
    <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="custom1" VALUE="#noshipping#">

    SHIPPING TYPE FOUR: Scaled according to the subtotal with percentage rates at various increments:
    (When var
    #27 above is set to 2)

    This is an easier way to set up your shipping charges, but not as accurate as by the pound/kilo. If you use this method, you will not have to use the "sh" hidden input tags in your HTML forms. Example:
    (Wont be necessary in your forms.)

    5% shipping for orders totaling $100 or less.
    4% shipping for orders totaling $200 or less.
    3% shipping totaling $1000 or less.
    2% shipping totaling $1000000 or less.
    Free shipping when subtotal is over $1000000.
    You customize the increments and charges of course.
    Read PERSONAL VARIABLE #34 and #35 above for details about how to use this shipping method.

    SHIPPING TYPE FIVE: Custom Database Shipping Tables:
    (When var
    #27 above is set to 1)

    This method may be used in combination with Shipping Type One and Shipping Type Two. Say you have a shipping company that has an unusual pattern for each additional pound when shipping to Australia. You could set PV#29 like so:
    29 Shipping methods -->Standard UPS,2 day UPS,Next day UPS,Europe,Australia
    Then you could set PV#30 and #31 like so:
    30 Initial shipping cost of first pound -->5.95,8.95,18.95,15.00,shipping.dat
    31 Shipping cost for each additional pound -->.50,.50,.50,2,shipping.dat
    Notice the fifth field separated by commas in PV#30 and #31 has "shipping.dat" in there instead of a numeric value. This tells the Dansie Shopping Cart to look for this plain text database file in the same directory that your vars.dat file is in. This "shipping.dat" file could look like so:
    Pounds/Kilos are in the left fields and the shipping charges are in the right fields. Make sure you put them in order from 1 pound all the way as high as you wish to define your shipping charges. Decimals can be used as you see in the example. You can name the "shipping.dat" file anything you like. Also, you can use as many shipping.dat files as you like too. Just name them slightly different like "ship1.dat", "ship2.dat", etc.

    You can also skip weight increments like so:
    In the above example, the cart would change $47.95 from 150-199 lbs. It would charge $78.29 from an order totalling 200-249 lbs.

    SHIPPING TYPE SIX: No shipping:
    (When var
    #27 above is set to 0)

    No shipping. You can turn off all shipping calculations in the cart and just say, "Shipping Included" somewhere on your website or even in your "lang.dat" file.
    Back to top.


    The Dansie Shopping Cart can either:

    Compatible Real-Time Processors:
    COMPATIBILITY NOTICE: The Dansie Shopping Cart is compatible with each of the real-time credit card processors listed in this section concerning basic credit card processing. The cart will POST the full total, shopper ID, customers name and billing address to the credit card processor's website for processing. The cart.pl script will issue the shopper a web page receipt if your credit card processing account is properly configured to return the shopper back to the "Return URL" after a credit card is approved. The cart does NOT work with any other services of the processors listed in this ReadMe except as specifically stated, such as, recurring billing, book transactions, authorize only transactions, etc.

    BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY NOTICE: In the past some online real-time credit/debit card processors have made NON-backwards compatible changes to the way their system works which caused the Dansie Shopping Cart (and other shopping cart softwares) to no longer be able to work with them. We recommend that you inquire of your processor if they intend to remain backwards compatible and encourage them to do so. Dansie Website Design will not be responsible for loss of compatibility if your processor should make some non-backwards compatible changes. If this occurs, let us know and we can try to adjust the Dansie Shopping Cart to keep up with their non-backwards compatible changes. In some cases where the processors changes were too radical, we had to remove them from our list of compatible processors below.

    DUAL EMAIL RECEIPT NOTICE: The cart.pl script will email you a copy of the order details concerning the names and prices of the items that your shoppers order. The cart will pass the full total, shopper ID, customers name and billing address to the credit card processor for processing. The cart does NOT pass the details of the items your shoppers are ordering to the credit card processors. You will receive 2 emails for each credit card order. One from the cart.pl script with the order details, and a second email from your credit card processor confirming that your customer's credit card was approved. The cart inserts the shopper ID in the subject of the email for easy matching with the email receipt from the credit card processor. See
    Personal Variable #2 and Secure Server Variable #13 in this ReadMe for how to tell the cart which email address(es) to email the order details to.
    1. 2Checkout
    2. ArvicSecure
    3. AuthorizeNet
    4. Bank of America eStores
    5. BluePay
    6. Cardservice International Linkpoint and Clear Commerce
    7. CubeCard
    8. eProcessingNetwork (Controlled Devices)
    9. eWAY
    10. GORealtime E-Commerce Transaction Processing
    11. InternetSecure
    12. iTransact
    13. NetBanx.com
    14. PayPal
    15. PayReady.net
    16. PSiGate
    17. SECPay
    18. SecureHosting.com
    19. SecurePay.com
    20. securetrading.com
    21. Signio
    22. Skipjack
    23. Verisign
    24. WorldPay


    The Dansie Shopping Cart (cart.pl version 3.39+) will also work with AuthorizeNet SIM (Simple Integration Method) and the following AuthorizeNet "clones" (real-time credit card processors and secure servers.): ecx.com, ishopsecure.com, merchantcommerce.net, netbilling.com, planetpayment.com, quickcommerce.net, richsolutions.com, rtware.net.

    NOTICE: The Dansie Shopping Cart has worked with AuthorizeNet Weblink method since 1998. Unfortunately AuthorizeNet has continued to make non-backwards compatible changes to their system requiring all shopping cart software developers to also make changes to their software in order to remain compatible. Their practice of making non-backwards compatible changes has led to many of their merchants losing orders on three occasions from 1998 to 2002 until we were able to reprogram our software to "keep up" with their changes. No other processor that the Dansie Shopping Cart works with has had as many interruptions with their compatibility. Due to their practice of non-backwards compatible changes, AuthorizeNet may not remain compatible with the Dansie Shopping Cart indefinitely.

    Set Secure Variables 1,2,6,7,9 and 13. Follow these steps:
    1. Set Secure Server Variable #1 to:
      For QuickCommerce accounts, set SSV#1 to:
      For TRANSACT-SECURETM posting set SSV#1 to:
      For richsolutions.com, set SSV#1 to:
      For the other clones, set SSV#1 to the transaction posting URL they provide you.
    2. Set SSV#2 with your AuthorizeNet or clone Login ID.
    3. Set SSV#9 with your AuthorizeNet transaction key. You must have cart.pl version 3.39+. Example:
      9 -->txnkey=abcd1234
      Replace the "abcd1234" with your exact AuthorizeNet transaction key.
      Set PV#55 to 1 to disable diagnostics so your variables can't be viewed from any web browser.
    4. Upload the SimLib.pm and SimHMAC.pm files provided by AuthorizeNet to the same directory that your cart.pl script is located in. These files need to be uploaded in ASCII format and not binary. If you need any help locating or downloading these files you will need to contact AuthorizeNet technical support for assistance.
    5. AuthorizeNet accounts login here: https://secure.authorize.net
      QuickCommerce accounts login here: https://secure.quickcommerce.net
      1. Inside your AuthorizeNet account locate Home, under Accounts, click Settings, under Transaction Response Settings, click Response/Receipt Urls, pick your Default Receipt Url, click Edit.
      2. Default Receipt Link URL
        Enter a default URL to link the customer to your website from the Receipt Page. This default URL will be used in the event that a Receipt Link URL is not passed with the transaction.
        URL: http://www.YourName.com/cgi-bin/cart.pl?SSV#6
      3. Receipt Method
        Specify the method that should be used to render the page that the customer is linked to from the Receipt Page
        LINK, GET or POST
        Select LINK
      4. Receipt Link Text
        Enter the text that will be displayed as a link.
        Link Text: http://www.YourName.com/cgi-bin/cart.pl?SSV#6
    6. Mall Version note: If you are using the Dansie Shopping Cart Mall Version, set your Return Link URL like so:
      Change SSV#6 to what you have in SSV#6 and "MerchantName" to what the merchant's name is.
      Alternatively it can be:
      Using "&" and "=" instead of the two pipe "|" characters.
    7. Set SSV#9 with x_Type to tell AuthorizeNet if you want AUTH_ONLY or AUTH_CAPTURE. Example:
      9 -->txnkey=abcd1234,x_Type=AUTH_ONLY
      Separate it from the txnkey with a comma. If you don't set x_Type in SSV#9, the default value sent to AuthorizeNet will be AUTH_CAPTURE.
    Note that the AuthorizeNet web page receipt will flash briefly and then automatically refresh the shopper's browser over to the cart's receipt page. That is normal. This will ensure that the shopper's browser returns to the cart to trigger the email receipts with the order details and shipping address.

    eProcessingNetwork (Controlled Devices)

    eProcessingNetwork (Controlled Devices) is a real-time credit card processor and secure server.


    The Dansie Shopping Cart will also work with InternetSecure (a real-time credit card processor and secure server.)
    http://www.internetsecure.com. Set Secure Server Variables #1,2,6,7,8,11 and 12.

    The Dansie Shopping Cart will also work with iTransact (a real-time credit card processor and secure server.) Set Secure Server Variables #1,2,6,7,8,11 and 12.

    Cardservice International

    The Dansie Shopping Cart will also work with Cardservice International (CSI) LinkPoint Connect PayOnly service. (formerly called "LinkPoint Basic" and "Linkpoint HTML") CSI is a real-time credit card processor and secure server. Set Secure Server Variables #1,2,6,7,8,11 and 12.
    Note: The Dansie Shopping Cart works with CSI's LinkPoint Connect "PayOnly" service but it does NOT work with CSI's LinkPoint API or "PayPlus" service.

    GORealtime E-Commerce Transaction Processing

    The Dansie Shopping Cart will also work with GORealtime E-Commerce Transaction Processing (a real-time credit card processor and secure server.)
    http://www.gorealtime.com. Set Secure Server Variables #1,2,6,7,8,11 and 12.

    The Dansie Shopping Cart will also work with SECPay, a UK-based credit card processor that works in UK Pounds Sterling.
    http://www.secpay.com. Set Secure Server Variables #1,2,6,7,8,11 and 12.
    Verisign (Formerly Signio)

    The Dansie Shopping Cart will also work with Verisign (Formerly Signio) (a real-time credit card processor and secure server.) It works with their Payflow Link service and also with their
    Telecheck check draft service. Set Secure Server Variables #1,2,6,7,8,9,12 and 13. Follow these steps:
    1. Set Secure Server Variable #1 with:
      Old Signio accounts would use:
    2. Put your Verisign login ID in Secure Server Variable #2.
    3. The "PARTNER" ID is required for all new Verisign accounts as of Feb 15th 2001. Set your partner ID in SSV#9 like so:
    4. Login to your VeriSign Manager utility and set your Return Link URL.
      Logon to https://manager.verisign.com click on account info/payflow link info/look in form config section (first section of edit config screen). Set the Return Link URL like so:
      The SSV#6 in the URL above is what you define in variable SSV#6 below.
    5. Set the "Return URL Method" in your Signio account to LINK instead of POST.


    The Dansie Shopping Cart will also work with CubeCard (a real-time prepaid card processor and secure server.)
    http://www.CubeCard.com. Set Secure Server Variables #1,2,6,7,8,12 and 13.

    The Dansie Shopping Cart will also work with WorldPay's "Junior" service (a real-time credit card processor and secure server.)
    http://www.WorldPay.com. Set Secure Server Variables #1,2,6,7,8,12 and 13.
    Setting your Return URL with WorldPay Junior:

    Bank of America eStores

    The Dansie Shopping Cart will also work with Bank of America eStores Branded (a real-time credit card processor and secure server). Set Secure Server Variables #1,2,6,7,8,12 and 13.
    Note: This processor's technique of redirecting shopper's browsers back to the Return URL may cause a browser to yield a security warning message. This can be prevented if your return URL begins with "https" or if the processor provides an alternative redirection technique. Making your return URL begin with "https" would require that you obtain a site security certificate which can be costly. A better, more practical solution for all merchants would be to encourage the processor to modify or at least provide alternative redirection techniques that wont cause browsers to yield this warning message.


    The Dansie Shopping Cart will also work with eWAY (a real-time credit card processor and secure server.)
    http://www.eway.com.au. Set Secure Server Variables #1,2,6,7,8,12 and 13.

    The Dansie Shopping Cart works with PayPal's WebPayment Standard service when you have a Premier or Business account.
    http://www.paypal.com. Set Secure Server Variables #1,2,6,7,8,12 and 13. Please note that your customers may have more than one item in their basket. The cart will send the whole package with the grand total to PayPal. The Customer/Shopper ID number will appear on the PayPal website as the "item". This will appear in your PayPal receipts:
    Item/Product Name: 17594
    Just match that number with the Customer/Shopper ID number in the email receipt that the cart.pl script sends you.


    The Dansie Shopping Cart version 3.58 will also work with PSiGate (a real-time credit card processor and secure server.)
    http://www.psigate.com. Set Secure Server Variables #1,2,6,7,8,12 and 13.

    The Dansie Shopping Cart will also work with SecurePay (a real-time debit card processor and secure server.) Set Secure Server Variables #1,2,6,7,8,9,12 and 13. Note: SecurePay has a shopping cart guide on their website which inaccurately represents the Dansie Shopping Cart software's capabilities. We have contacted Tony Reynolds of SecurePay on more than one occasion about this error, but he has failed to correct their website to correctly represent the Dansie Shopping Cart's features.


    The Dansie Shopping Cart will also work with PayReady.net (a real-time credit card processor and secure server.)
    http://www.PayReady.net. Set Secure Server Variables #1,2,6,7,8,12 and 13.

    The Dansie Shopping Cart will also work with ArvicSecure (a real-time credit card processor and secure server.) Set Secure Server Variables #1,2,6,7,8,12 and 13.

    The Dansie Shopping Cart will also work with NetBanx.com (a real-time credit card processor and secure server.)
    http://www.NetBanx.com. Set Secure Server Variables #1,2,6,7,8,9,12 and 13.

    The Dansie Shopping Cart will also work with SecureHosting.com (a real-time credit card processor and secure server.)
    http://www.SecureHosting.com. Set Secure Server Variables #1,2,6,7,8,9,12 and 13.

    The Dansie Shopping Cart will also work with Skipjack.com (a real-time credit card processor and secure server.)
    http://www.skipjack.com. It works with both their "Skipjack DLL" and their older "Skipjack COM object". Set Secure Server Variables #1,2,6,7,8,9,12 and 13. Note: This processor's technique of redirecting shopper's browsers back to the Return URL may cause a browser to yield a security warning message. This can be prevented if your return URL begins with "https" or if the processor provides an alternative redirection technique. Making your return URL begin with "https" would require that you obtain a site security certificate which can be costly. A better, more practical solution for all merchants would be to encourage the processor to modify or at least provide alternative redirection techniques that wont cause browsers to yield this warning message.


    The Dansie Shopping Cart will also work with 2Checkout (a real-time credit card processor and secure server). Set Secure Server Variables #1,2,6,7,8,9,12 and 13.

    2Checkout Version 2 (Requires cart.pl version 3.48.)
    It is also recommended that you set your email address in SSV#13.

    Note: This processor's technique of redirecting shopper's browsers back to the Return URL may cause a browser to yield a security warning message. This can be prevented if your return URL begins with "https" or if the processor provides an alternative redirection technique. Making your return URL begin with "https" would require that you obtain a site security certificate which can be costly. A better, more practical solution for all merchants would be to encourage the processor to modify or at least provide alternative redirection techniques that wont cause browsers to yield this warning message.

    2Checkout Version 1 It is also recommended that you set your email address in SSV#13.

    Note: This processor's technique of redirecting shopper's browsers back to the Return URL may cause a browser to yield a security warning message. This can be prevented if your return URL begins with "https" or if the processor provides an alternative redirection technique. Making your return URL begin with "https" would require that you obtain a site security certificate which can be costly. A better, more practical solution for all merchants would be to encourage the processor to modify or at least provide alternative redirection techniques that wont cause browsers to yield this warning message.


    The Dansie Shopping Cart will also work with securetrading.com (a real-time credit card processor and secure server.)
    http://www.securetrading.com. Set Secure Server Variables #1,2,6,7,8,9,12 and 13.


    The Dansie Shopping Cart will also work with
    BluePay.com version 2.0 (a real-time credit card processor and secure server.) Set Secure Server Variables #1,2,6,7,8,9,12,13 and 14.

    Collecting Credit Card Numbers Without a Real-Time Processor.

    Already have a merchant account but don't wish to utilize a real-time credit card processor? The Dansie Shopping Cart can collect your customers credit card numbers for you. You may set all the Secure Server Variables except
    #2 wont be necessary. We have an SSL CGI script called "ssl.pl". It's designed to work specifically with the Dansie Shopping Cart. Visit this page on the web for instructions on how to install it:
    The ssl.pl script will work with or without a site security certificate. A security certificate allows you to access pages and scripts on your website via "https" (Secure Socket Layer) instead of "http". If you are interested in obtaining a security certificate, contact your host, they will be able to assist you with that.

    Test credit card numbers for testing the ssl.pl script:
    5419 8400 0000 0003
    Expiration date: Any date greater than today.

    Trouble Shooting:
    If the ssl.pl script says POST Method Not Allowed or serves as plain text and doesn't execute...
    First make sure that ssl.pl is chmoded 755. Second, try renaming it to ssl.cgi and see if it will execute that way. If it still doesn't execute, contact your host and ask them to set permissions on it so that it will execute.

    SPECIAL NOTE ABOUT ssl.pl and email
    If your ssl.pl script is on a remote host and you are not receiving your customers credit card numbers via email from the ssl.pl script, then see the "SENDMAIL VARIABLES" section near the top of the ssl.pl script. Your remote host may have a different sendmail path than your local host and you will have to set that in the ssl.pl script.

    Details on all the Secure Server Variables:

    1 URL to ssl.pl or real-time processor -->https://www.YourName.com/cgi-bin/ssl.pl
    Enter here the URL to your real-time credit card processor or the URL to your ssl.pl script. If you are using the ssl.pl script and you would like to have the URL start with "https" you may need to contact your web host about using a site security certificate.

    2 Your credit card processor username/login ID -->0001
    Place your merchant ID with your real-time credit card processor here. If you are using the ssl.pl script, just ignore this variable.

    Currency Exchange Rate Feature:
    If you are having the Dansie Shopping Cart use a currency other than US Dollars, but need to have it translated to US Dollars before sending the customer to the real-time credit card processor, then set this variable like so:
    The first field to the left of the "|" character will be your merchant ID with your real-time processor like normal. The field on the right of the "|" character will be the exchange rate. The total will be multiplied by the number you place here before the customer is sent to your real-time processor.
    3 Font face -->Times New Roman
    This variable works with the
    ssl.pl script and some credit card processors. What font face do you want to be used on the secure page.

    4 Font color -->#000000
    This variable works with the ssl.pl script and some credit card processors. What font color do you want to be used on the secure page.

    5 Bgrd color -->#FFFFCC
    This variable works with the ssl.pl script and some credit card processors. What background color do you want to be used on the secure page. If you are using the ssl.pl script you may use wallpaper if it is local to the ssl.pl script by setting this as the full URL to your wallpaper image. Example:
    Must be called via "https" otherwise the SSL wont let any images through.

    6 Unique, Random ID (8-12 characters, alpha/numeric, no spaces) -->1212abc
    Change this to a string that uses only letters and numbers and NO S P A C E S. This will create a unique code so the cart.pl script will know when a credit card transaction has occurred. This string could be anywhere from 8 to 12 characters in size. Be creative like "kd93DJE39" or "skDI39fC". Do NOT put one of your passwords in here. This is just random sequence of letters and numbers.

    7 Post Transaction Message -->Your order will be shipped pending credit card approval.
    This will be printed at the top of the page immediately after a customer makes a purchase via Secure Online Credit Card Transaction. If you are using a credit card processor that not only encrypts the numbers, but also transfers funds, you will want to say something like, "Your credit card transaction was successful." If you are using your own
    security certificate (not a real-time processor), and funds are not transferred immediately, you may want to say something like, "Your order will be shipped pending credit card approval."

    8 System path to append orders to a data file? -->
    If you would like the orders appended to a data file, then set this to the system path and name of a data file you want them appended to. You can then retrieve the orders with your FTP program. Example:
    8 Email orders or append to a data file? -->/cart/host/path/to/orders.dat
    If you are using the
    ssl.pl script and it's located on a different host than your cart.pl script, then you will need to define this like so:
    8 Email orders or append to a data file? -->/ssl/secure/host/path/to/orders.dat|/cart/host/path/to/orders.dat
    First put the system path on the secure server, followed by the "|" character, then the path to a data file on the host where your cart.pl script is located. (ssl.pl version 2.09+)
    If you would like the ssl.pl script to record the credit card data to data files, but you don't want the cart.pl script to record the order details to data files, then set SSV#8 like so:
    8 Email orders or append to a data file? -->/ssl/secure/host/path/to/orders.dat|off
    Notice the "off" on the right side of the "|" pipe delimiter.

    As an option, instead of having the orders appended to one file, they can be created in multiple files like so: orders1.dat, orders2.dat, orders3.dat. Where each new order placed will create a new file. The number following "orders" will be the customers shopper ID number. To utilize this feature, specify a system path in SSV#8 to a directory rather than a system path to a file. Example:
    8 Email orders or append to a data file? -->/cart/host/path/to/orders
    Make sure you create this directory and that permissions on it are set as writable (777 on Unix).

    System Path to "orders.dat"
    You can get your system paths like so:
    Make sure PV#55 is set to 0.

    Making sure "orders.dat" is writable
    If the directories where you want orders.dat appended to are not writable, then you will need to create an empty file manually on your computer ("orders.dat"), upload it to the directory where you want it and chmod it 777 so it will be writable. Otherwise the scripts wont be able to write to your "orders.dat" file and you will be wondering why it's not appending.

    Emailing orders and appending
    Order details emailed to you.Set Host Variable #6 to the sendmail path on your host. Order details will be emailed to the email address you set in Personal Variable #2. You can set as many email addresses as you wish in PV#2 separated by commas, space characters or both. They will get a Bcc (blind carbon copy) of the order details.
    Order details appended to a data file on your host.Set Secure Server Variable #8
    Customers credit card numbers emailed to you (If using the ssl.pl script).Set Secure Server Variable #11. Set Secure Server Variable #10 also so that the ssl.pl script will work with PGP to encrypt the emails.
    Customers credit card numbers emailed to you and appended to a data file too.Set both SSV#8 and SSV#11.

    If you have SSV#8 and SSV#11 blank, yet you are using the ssl.pl script, the credit card numbers will be emailed to the first email address you have listed in PV#2. The other email addresses listed in PV#2 will get a copy of the order details, but not the email with the credit card number in it.

    9 Sending misc info to processor or ssl.pl -->visa,mastercard,amex,novus,dinersclub,carteblanche,delta,switch,solo,visadebit,barclaysconnect
    This variable is utilized for passing special information to real-time processors
    listed in section 11 of the ReadMe and to the ssl.pl script.

    If you are using both the ssl.pl script and a real-time processor and you need to set SSV#9 with variables and values for both, that is no problem. Just separate them with commas. Example:
    9 -->visa,mastercard,AVSVerify,Language=Spanish,UseCVV2=N

    In the example above, "visa,mastercard" would be something the ssl.pl script would understand and "AVSVerify,Language=Spanish,UseCVV2=N" would be something for a real-time processor.

    If you are using the ssl.pl script, tell it which card types to accept and which not to accept. Current card types it can accept are the ones you see listed above. Spell them exactly as you see listed here. The ssl.pl script currently does some error checking to make sure that the credit card number appears valid with the first four card types listed here. However, with the last seven card types, there is no error checking. If you would like the ssl.pl script to accept some rare credit cards, near the top of the ssl.pl script you can set "lang" variable #18 and #19 to the card name and then put "dinersclub" or "carteblanche" in SSV#9 to activate it.

    10 PGP PgpProg|PgpTempDir|PgpUserId|Version -->
    The Dansie Shopping Cart now works with PGP 2.6.2, 2.6.3ia, 5.0, 6.5.2 and gpg1.0, gpg1.0.6, gpg1.2.1 and gpg2.0.11 on both Unix and Windows NT hosts. Some PGP sites:

    You may have the ssl.pl script work with PGP to encrypt the credit card numbers before they are emailed to you.

    NOTICE: It is NOT our responsibility to install and configure PGP on your website. We provide the PGP test script so you can isolate and confirm that PGP is working and properly configured before attempting to get the ssl.pl script to work with PGP. If you cannot get PGP to work with this small test script, then do not attempt to get PGP to work with the ssl.pl script. We guarantee that the ssl.pl script will work with the versions of PGP listed above only AFTER you have first confirmed and demonstrated that PGP is properly installed and configured by the use of the PGP test script. You may even download and utilize this PGP test script prior to purchasing a Dansie Shopping Cart software license.

    First, set the cart aside, download and use this test script to confirm that PGP/GPG is working.

    After you have confirmed that PGP is working, set four pieces of information in Secure Server Variable #10 (all separated by the "|" symbol).
    You may need to set the $ENV{'PGPPATH'} or $ENV{'GNUPGHOME'} variable near the top of the ssl.pl script.

    Windows NT example:
    10 PGP PgpProg|PgpTempDir|PgpUserId|Version -->d:\pgppath\pgp.exe|c:/temp|yourname@host.com|2.6.2
    Unix example:
    10 PGP PgpProg|PgpTempDir|PgpUserId|Version -->/bin/pgpe|/|Smith|5.0

    Put exactly "2.6.2", "2.6.3ia", "5.0", "6.5.2", "gpg1.0", "gpg1.0.6", "gpg1.2.1" or "gpg2.0.11" (if you use GPG) in the fourth field. Nothing else. Make sure your PGP config file is set correctly too.

    9. You should have a pgp.cfg file on your server somewhere. Usually in the same directory that the PGP program is in. Open it up and make sure these options are set. Especially make sure verbose is set to 0.

    Armor = on            # Use -a flag for ASCII armor whenever applicable
    TextMode = on         # Attempt to use -t option where applicable
    clearsig = on         # Use unarmored plaintext for unencrypted signed message
    # KeepBinary = on     # Decrypt will not delete intermediate .pgp file
    # verbose = 2         # verbose diagnostic messages
    verbose = 0           # be quiet
    # compress = off      # off means suppress compression to aid debugging
    # showpass = on       # Echo password when user types it

    If you have Secure Server Variable #8 set to a system path so as to have the credit card numbers appended to a datafile and you have this variable set too, then the credit card numbers will be appended to the datafile in an encrypted manner. If SSV#8 is blank, then the credit card numbers will be emailed to the email addresses set in SSV#11. If SSV#11 is blank, then the credit card info will be emailed to the first email address in Personal Variable #2.
    Works on Unix hosts with standard sendmail and on Windows NT running either Windmail or Blat as the sendmail program.

    11 Credit card numbers are emailed here -->
    If you are using the
    ssl.pl script, this is where you put your email address. When someone orders something via Secure Online Credit Card Transaction, the ssl.pl script can email their credit card number to you. If you leave this variable blank and SSV#8 is blank too, then the credit card numbers will be emailed to the first email address you have in PV#2. If you leave this variable blank and SSV#8 is set, then the credit card numbers wont be emailed to you. Only appended to a datafile. Need to send copies of the order to more than one address? Just set this variable like so:
    sales@YourName.net, orders@YourName.net
    Separated by either commas, spaces or both.

    12 Remain in frames while in SSL -->0
    When the cart.pl script passes the customer to the ssl.pl script or a real-time credit card processor, it will remove all frames if your site is a framed website. This is to effectuate the SSL lock at the top of the browser. If you have a framed website and wish to remain in frames while collecting your customers credit card info, then set this variable to 1. Otherwise set it to 0 or leave it blank.

    13 Pending Order Notice -->your@email.com
    If a shopper places an order via Secure Online Credit Card Transaction, the cart will email the order details to the email address(es) that you have set in
    Personal Variable #2. However, sometimes for some reason or another, the shoppers browser doesn't always make it back to the cart.pl script after their credit card is approved. If you set an email address in this variable then you will receive a copy of what they ordered BEFORE they go to the credit card processor to submit their number. So just in case their browser gets hung up at the real-time processors site, you will still have a copy of the order details. Make sure you have some language like so in the following lang.dat variables:
    152 -->Pending Order Notice
    153 -->This is a Pending Order Notice. The customer has not submitted their credit card number yet. Wait for order confirmation from the credit card processor.

    Never rely upon a receipt from the cart as proof that a customers credit card has been approved. It's merely a list of items with a grand total and a shipping address. Always check with your processor or merchant account to see if a customers card has been approved.

    14 "https" URL to company logo for ssl.pl script -->
    You may set this variable to an "https" URL to your company logo if you are using the ssl.pl script. If your ssl.pl script is being ran via "https" and you set the URL in this variable with only "http" your browser may give you a security warning message that not all information is secure. The information it's referring to is your logo which is being called via "http". So make sure this URL is "https" and that you have a site security certificate for the website in which this logo is hosted. The cart.pl script will pass this URL to the ssl.pl script so your "https" logo will appear on the ssl.pl script's page. This feature works with cart.pl version 3.25+ and ssl.pl version 3.04+. To set the URL to your company logo for appearance at the top of the cart.pl script's pages, see
    Host Variable #4.

    Back to top.


    You only need to assign these if you are using
    flat-file databases with the Dansie Shopping Cart, or if you want to start using some flat-file databases.

    The advantages of flat-file databases is that they allow you to update prices, and keep track of your products from simple data files, rather than editing the forms in your HTML documents. Also, you can take advantage of Dansie Shopping Cart's database search engine. (See section 4 in Template.html for details.) Some disadvantages, though, are that your product pages will look a little more cookie cut with a flat-file database than they do if you use HTML forms.

    We have provided a sample, ready-to-go database so you can see how easy they are to work with. Just upload the stuff.dat file that came in the zip package to the same directory that your vars.dat file is in. Then point your browser here:

    1 System path to location of database files -->
    System path to the directory that keeps your database files. The default location that the cart.pl script will look for your database files is in the same directory that your vars.dat file is in. You will only need to set this variable if you want to change it's default location. If you leave this variable blank, it will default to the same system path that your vars.dat file is in. This is the directory that you give the cart.pl script permission to read database files from. So for security reasons it's suggested to set it to a different directory that you don't have anything in except your database files. Example:
    You could make a subdirectory inside your cgi-bin called "databases" and put all your database files there like "stuff.dat". How do you know what your system path is? Use the cart's
    ?path diagnostic feature.

    2 Full URL of the image of the Dansie Shopping Cart -->http://www.YourName.net/cart.gif
    Full URL of the "View Shopping Cart" or "Checkout" image in which your customer will click in order to view their cart contents.

    3 Flat-file database field delimiter -->|
    This variable will hold the character that is used to separate the fields in your database. If your database looks like this:
    Books|0002|The Boy Scout Handbook|Author: Bill Hillcourt|$10.00|1||
    then set the separator like you see above. If your databases look like this:
    Books:0002:The Boy Scout Handbook:Author, Bill Hillcourt:$10.00:1::
    then set the separator like so:
    3 Flat-file databases delimiter -->:
    You may use the TAB character for your delimiter too like so:
    3 Flat-file databases delimiter -->tab

    4 Flat-file databases options delimiter -->^
    This variable will hold the character that is used to separate the options in the fields of the lines of your database. If your options fields look like this:
    OPTIONS^Paperback $15.00^Hard Cover $20.00
    then set the options separator like you see above. If your databases look like this:
    OPTIONS:Paperback $15.00:Hard Cover $20.00
    then set the options separator like so:
    4 Flat-file databases options delimiter -->:
    Remember, the options separator and the field separator must be different from each other, and these two characters must not be used anywhere else in your database.

    5 Alignment of four columns in database displays -->center|center|left|center
    The Dansie Shopping Cart has up to four columns that you can activate in your database displays. They are in order, Item, Image, Description and Price. You can turn them on with
    DBV#8, 9, 10 and 12. If you have all four columns turned on, then you can control the alignment of text inside them like so:
    If, for example, you aren't using the thumbnail column, then you will need to set this variable like so:
    Values you can define are left, right and center.

    6 Position of category in your data files -->1
    You need to tell the script what position your fields are in within your current database files. If your category fields are positioned at the beginning of each line, then set this to 1. If your databases do not use categories, then set this to 0. It is recommended NOT to use the following three characters in your database category fields: ?=& (Question mark, equals and ampersand.) The use of these characters can cause problems with URL encoding. In the stuff.dat file the categories are in field position #1 so we set this variable with a 1.
    Books|0002|The Boy Scout Handbook|Author: Bill Hillcourt|10.00|1|boyscout_large.jpg
    Clothing|1001|Purse|Black Leather purse with leather straps.|20.00|1|purse_large.jpg

    7 Position of stock/item number -->2
    If your stock/item numbers are located in the second position, then set this to 2. Set any Position variable to 0 for fields that your databases don't use. In the stuff.dat file the stock/item numbers are in field position #2 so we set this variable with a 2.
    Books|0002|The Boy Scout Handbook|Author: Bill Hillcourt|10.00|1|boyscout_large.jpg
    Clothing|1001|Purse|Black Leather purse with leather straps.|20.00|1|purse_large.jpg

    8 Position of the name of the item -->3
    Books|0002|The Boy Scout Handbook|Author: Bill Hillcourt|10.00|1|boyscout_large.jpg
    Clothing|1001|Purse|Black Leather purse with leather straps.|20.00|1|purse_large.jpg

    9 Position of description of the item -->4
    Books|0002|The Boy Scout Handbook|Author: Bill Hillcourt|10.00|1|boyscout_large.jpg
    Clothing|1001|Purse|Black Leather purse with leather straps.|20.00|1|purse_large.jpg

    10 Position of the price of the item -->5
    Books|0002|The Boy Scout Handbook|Author: Bill Hillcourt|10.00|1|boyscout_large.jpg
    Clothing|1001|Purse|Black Leather purse with leather straps.|20.00|1|purse_large.jpg

    11 Position of the shipping weight/value of the item -->6
    Books|0002|The Boy Scout Handbook|Author: Bill Hillcourt|10.00|1|boyscout_large.jpg
    Clothing|1001|Purse|Black Leather purse with leather straps.|20.00|1|purse_large.jpg

    12 Position of the name of the thumb-nail image of the item -->7
    Books|0002|The Boy Scout Handbook|Author: Bill Hillcourt|10.00|1|boyscout_large.jpg
    Clothing|1001|Purse|Black Leather purse with leather straps.|20.00|1|purse_large.jpg
    Or tell it where a larger image is to link to as well using the double colon sub-delimiter "::":
    ||||||http://www.dansie.net/images/purse.jpg::purse_large.jpg|||||| When the thumbnail image in the database display is clicked on, it will show the shopper the larger image. See more details

    13 Positions of additional fields of info -->8,9,10,11,12,13
    Use this to designate in what fields positions your
    OPTIONS (explained further below) are located. Also, use this if your flat-file database contains any additional descriptive fields of information that you would want carried over to the shopping cart. State their positions. You may include as many as you need.
    Books|0002|The Boy Scout Handbook|Author: Bill Hillcourt|10.00|1|boyscout_large.jpg|blah|blah|blah
    Clothing|1001|Purse|Black Leather purse with leather straps.|20.00|1|purse_large.jpg|blah|blah|blah

    14 Optional no-image statement -->No image
    Optional statement to make for items that do not yet have thumb-nail images available for them. This will appear in the image column for an item if an item lacks a thumbnail image when most other items do have a thumbnail. If you don't want your pages to say anything, just leave this blank.

    15 What do you want the order buttons to say -->       Click To Order       
    What do you want the order buttons to say inside database displays if someone enters with no JavaScript on? Normally the price will be in the button, but if a browser doesn't have JavaScripting on they will just see these words. (ORDER, PURCHASE, BUY NOW, etc...). This also acts as the default button width for Netscape browsers. So put some extra spaces on either side like you see above.
    Also, you set this variable with a URL to a jpg or gif image, you will see that image used as the submit button. Example:

    16 URL to jpg or gif of a "home" image -->home.gif
    This is the name or full URL to an image that will show up at the bottom of your flat-file database displays. If you don't specify the full URL, the cart will use Host Variable
    #3 as the images location. This image will be linked to your "home" page. (Host Variable #2). If you leave this blank, the word "Home" will appear at the bottom of your database displays instead.

    17 Default items displayed per page -->10
    This will limit the number of items your database displays will put on a page. If you have 500 computers for sale in one database, it could take 5 minutes for that page to load, right? This will limit it and also provide "jump links" to the rest of the items. 11-20, 21-30, 31-40 etc. You can override this default value with the "display" variable. See section 4 in Template.html for more details.

    18 Uniform Width and Height of images -->100,100
    You can have the cart make the sizes of your thumb-nail images uniform by setting this variable to the width and height. If you leave it blank, the cart will display your images actual height and width. If you just define the width and not the height, your images will maintain their proportion. Example:
    If you define both, they may lose their proportion and appear stretched. This variable controls both the thumbnails as they appear in database displays and in the cart's contents page.

    19 Company logo displayed at top of database pages? -->1
    Want your company logo to show at the top of database display pages? Set this to 1. Don't want it up there? Set this to 0.

    20 Align select pull-down menus (left, right or center) -->center
    If you are using any of the Database Options you may determine if they are aligned on the right side of the page, left side or center. Set this variable to one of those three.

    21 Select pull-down menus (across or stack) -->across
    If you are using any of the Database Options and you have more than one option with each item, you may determine if those options are across on the same line, or if they stack on top of each other. Set this to either "across" or "stack".

    22 Navigation Bar -->navigation.txt
    You may insert some text and HTML along the left side, top or bottom of the pages in database displays. Just put some text and HTML in a file, drop it in your cgi-bin (same directory where your vars.dat file is in) and then put the name of that file in Database Variable #22.
    Example navigation.txt files are here.

    23 Optional return shopping URL -->
    After you place an item into the shopping cart from a flat-file database display, if you click the "Continue Shopping" button at the bottom of the cart, it will take you back to the exact page you came from in the database. If you would like to have the shopping cart take you to a different page instead, then specify the URL to that page here. It may be the same as
    Host Variable #2 if you like. Or you may also use the "return" variable in a search form like so:
    <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=return VALUE="http://www.dansie.net/search_form_source.html">
    The use of the return variable will override any URL you put in DBV#23.

    24 Position of Navigation Bar (top, bottom or left) -->left
    You may have your navigation bar in
    DB#22 appear on the top, bottom or left side of your database displays. You may set this variable to either "top", "bottom" or "left".

    25 Database Version (2.0 or 3.0) -->3.0
    To take advantage of the powerful 3.0 database search engine features, this variable will need to be set to 3.0. If you wish to continue to use the old 2.0 search format, then leave this blank or set it to 2.0. See section 4 in the Template.html file for full details on using the Dansie Shopping Cart database search engine.

    26 Show all links to items or just next (all or next) -->all
    If you have DBV#25 above set to 3.0 then you can use this feature. If this variable is set to "all" then large database displays will show jump links to many other sets of items at the bottom of the display pages. If you set this to "next" then you will only see two links at the bottom of database display pages that will say "Next 20 Items" and "Previous 20 Items".

    27 Navigation Bar #2 -->navigation2.txt
    This variable allows you to insert some more text and HTML at the bottom of your database displays. It can work in conjunction with
    DBV#22. If you have DBV#22 set to start a TABLE you will may need this file to close that TABLE for it to render the database display properly. This navigation2.txt file will always appear at the bottom of the database displays. If you have DBV#24 set so that your first navigation.txt file is displayed bottom, then it will appear right on top of this one.

    28 Database Purchase Button Location (top or bottom) -->bottom
    You can decide if you want the purchase button to appear near the top of the far right column in the database displays, or near the bottom. If you are trying to conserve space and make each row as short as possible, I would recommend setting this to "top". If you have some custom "
    OPTIONS" in your database, then setting this to "bottom" may work nicer.

    29 Restrict keyword search to these field positions -->
    By default, if you leave this variable blank, the Dansie Shopping Cart's database search engine will automatically search all field positions of your database for a keyword match. If info in the custom description fields of your database (or other fields) are causing irrelevant search results, you can restrict the field positions it will search. For example, if you want the search engine to only look in the item name and first custom description fields, then set this variable like so:
    29 Restrict keyword search to these field positions -->3,4
    That is, if
    DBV#8 and DBV#9 are set to 3 and 4 respectively. If the search engine can't seem to find any items in your database, it could be because you have this variable set with incorrect field positions. Make this variable blank, then run another test search.

    Back to top.


    See Template.html section 4 for full instructions on how to access and search your databases. An online demo of the database search engine is here also:


    Your databases may have "pull-down menus" or <SELECT> tags. This is very easy to set up with your flat-file databases. In a field of your database that is designated as one of the additional custom description fields (
    #13 above), you may create a pull-down menu by using the following syntax:
    The word "OPTIONS" will signal to the shopping cart that you want a <SELECT> pull-down menu with options. The following sub-fields (red, blue, green) will be the options in the pull-down menu. Make sure that OPTIONS is capitalized and that the separation caracter "^" (which is options separator, #4) is not the same as the main field separation character (#3).

    You may change the actual price of the item by using a "$" in the options like so:
    OPTIONS^Small $10^Medium $20^Large $30
    If you set Personal Variable #36 (currency symbol) to something other than "$", such as "L", then be sure to use that symbol insead. Example:
    OPTIONS^Small L10^Medium L20^Large L30

    You may add to the current price by placing plus signs before your currency symbol like so:
    OPTIONS^Red +$3^Blue +$5^Green +$10

    Here is a more detailed example of an entire line (item) of a database file:
    Shirts|1001|Men's T-Shirt|100% Cotton|10|.5|shirt.gif|OPTIONS^Small $10^Medium $20^Large $30|OPTIONS^Red +$3^Blue +$5^Green +$10
    category|stock#|ItemName|description|price|shipping(lbs)|image|pull-down menus|pull-down menus

    Do you want your <SELECT> menus larger than one line? (In other words <SELECT SIZE=3>) This is how you do it:
    Any number immediately following "OPTIONS" will set the SIZE of the SELECT pull-down menu.

    CHECKBOX: An option
    Do you want your databases to display checkboxes?
    CHECKBOX^With tote bag +$5.00|CHECKBOX^Bag of tees +$2.00
    Use + signs with checkboxes if you want to add to the current price.

    Do you want to use text fields in your databases so your customers can give you some input?
    TEXT^Name to be embroidered on shirt^10-20
    The first field tells the cart that you want it to display a TEXT field. The second field is your statement to be printed on the page of the database display. The third field sets the SIZE and MAXLENGTH attributes of the text field.

    Do you want to use TEXTAREA fields in your databases so your customers can give you some more input?
    TEXTAREA^Name, address, city, state and zip:^30-4
    The first field tells the cart to display a TEXTAREA. The second field is your statement to be printed on the page of the database display. The third field sets the COLS and ROWS attributes of the TEXTAREA box.

    Do you want a QUANTITY text field in your databases so your customers can enter quantity?
    QUANTITY^How many days?^3-3-1
    The first field tells the cart script to make a TEXT box for quantity. The second field is your statement to be printed on the page of the database display next to this TEXT box. The third field sets the SIZE and MAXLENGTH attributes of the text box and the default quantity.

    Miscellaneous Database Tips:

    Want to use Volume Discount Pricing with your databases? Put this format in your price fields:
    This means, $10 each for 1 (or more), $9 each for 10 (or more) and $8 each for 20 (or more). Always use the ":" character to separate the sub-fields of your volume discount pricing. Make sure your list is in order from smallest quantity (1) to largest quantity. See Template.html section 1C for information on how to use volume discount pricing with standard HTML forms.

    You can add keywords to the items in your databases so the search engine can find the item better, without the keywords appearing in the database's product displays. Use HTML comment tags in your fields like so:
    |<!-- these are some key words -->|
    The search engine will find the keywords and display the products, but the search words wont display on the web page.

    If an item in your database is nontaxable, you can put this in one of your custom description fields and the cart wont calculate sales tax on that item.

    If an item in your database should always be charged full price, even when a webstore or coupon discount is invoked, you can put this in one of your custom description fields and the cart will always charge full price for that item.

    You can have links appear in your database by inserting some <A HREF> tags in the custom description fields of your database like so:
    |<A HREF=http://www.YourName.com/Details.html>Click for details</A>|
    Or extra images too:
    |<IMG SRC=http://www.YourName.com/Image.gif>|
    Pop-up windows can be used to with a little JavaScript too.

    Would you like to link your thumbnail images to larger images? Normally, you would tell the cart program where your thumbnail is like so: ||||||http://www.dansie.net/images/purse.jpg|||||| Putting the URL to the thumbnail image in the field position defined by Database Variable #12. But, if you want the cart program to automatically link to a larger image that you have made, just add a double colon delimiter "::" followed by the name or full URL of the larger image. Example: ||||||http://www.dansie.net/images/purse.jpg::purse_large.jpg|||||| Remember, you only need to put the name of the image as long as the image is located in the directory defined by Host Variable #3.

    You can comment out items in the database so they wont be displayed. Perhaps your item is temporarily out of stock. Instead of removing it's line from the database, precede it with a pound sign (#) like so: #category|stock#|ItemName|description|price|shipping|image|extra fields...||||
    Back to top.


    Referral Tracking

    You can now track if your customers arrived at your web store, from your friends website. It works like this: Instead of other website owners linking to your site like this:
    They would link to your site like this:
    Notice the query string:
    "referrer" would be their identity that you know your partner/referrer by, and the "url" would be where you want the cart to redirect that customer to after they arrive at your site. Most likely, your main page. What this does is it prepares a data file in your "temp" directory with the shopper ID number like so: Buddy - 1000 Where "Buddy" is the referrer's name (you could use numbers too) and 1000 is the customer's actual shopper ID number. So, if you have a customer whose shopper ID number is just "1000", then you know that they came directly to your site from a search engine or so. If their shopper ID number is "Buddy - 1000", then you know that your partner/referrer "Buddy" was responsible for sending business your way. Now you DO NOT need to look in the "temp" directory. Just look at the top of the email receipts next to the shopper ID number. That's where the referral ID will appear.

    If you omit the "url=http://www.YourName.com" part of the query string, people will be redirected to the URL you specified in
    Host Variable #2.

    Another way to pass a referrer's name to the cart is right inside an HTML product form like so:
    <INPUT TYPE="hidden" NAME="referrer" VALUE="Buddy">
    If you pass that tag to the cart in an HTML form, it will make sure that the referrer's name is next to the shopper ID number in the email receipt.

    Using the Dansie Shopping Cart Mall Version? Have people link to your site like this:
    (Without the "url=http://www.YourName.com")

    The URL you use here must match exactly what you have in Host Variable #1.

    Sell Passwords

    The Dansie Shopping Cart can automatically email your customer unique, random passwords or other sensitive information after "Secure Online Credit Card Transactions" and "Online Check Drafts" depending upon designated items they purchase with the cart. The sensitive information can be emailed to your customer automatically after their credit card is approved. The cart can append their email address and password to an .htpasswd file on your server granting them access to a specific directory. As of cart.pl version 3.26 the cart can automatically remove their email address and password from the .htpasswd file after the number of days that you designate.
    When a customer purchases an item via "Secure Online Credit Card Transaction", if one of the custom descriptive fields contains any phrase found in the left field of the "passwords.dat" file, the cart will email them the special instructions of the corresponding right field(s) of the passwords.dat file. Example:
    <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME="custom3" VALUE="Super Software Download">
    If you had the above tag in one of your product forms, and your customer purchased the item via "Secure Online Credit Card Transaction" or "Online Check Draft" they would receive the special info found in the passwords.dat file. You may put as many lines in your passwords.dat file as you wish. If you are sending URLs it is recommended to leave PV#72 blank when using the Sell Passwords feature so as to avoid problems with the way the email receipts are formatted.

    If you are using multi-item forms with the Sell Passwords feature, be sure to set the phrase that triggers the passwords.dat file in fields 5, 6 or 7. Example:
    <INPUT TYPE=CHECKBOX NAME="multi-item1" VALUE="A Software Program|9.95|1|software.jpg|Super Software Download">
    Then in your passwords.dat file you would put:
    Super Software Download|Download now here: "http://www.YourName.com/special/" The password is: #random_password#

    A .htpasswd toolkit can be found here:

    Limited Quantity Inventory

    The Dansie Shopping Cart can keep track of the remaining items in stock that you have limited quantities of. Like rare sports cards and antiques. It will decrement a data file like you see below every time someone orders an item with that name.
    Mens Tie|10
    Gift Basket|20
    SuperWuper Widget|1
    Notice that it has two fields on each line separated by the "|" character. When a customer purchases an item that matches the name in the field on the left, the cart will decrement the number in it's corresponding field on the right. When that item hits zero, and another customer tries to put that item in the cart, the cart will give the customer a message that this item is out of stock. You may put as many items and quantities in your "limited.dat" file as you wish. To utilize this feature, just create a data file called "limited.dat", put it in the same directory that your vars.dat file is in and chmod it 777 so it's writable. Remember, you must put the name of the item in the field on the left. Not the stock number. Also, it is case sensitive.

    Note: If a customer selects any payment method such as "Credit Card Transaction via Telephone" or "Check or Money Order" the cart will decrement limited quantity items even if the customer doesn't call to submit their credit card number or send you their check. Also, if two visitors to your site put the last of an item into their cart at the same time, there is the possibility that both orders will go through without one of them getting the "item is out of stock" message. But over all, it will prevent mass numbers of orders for items that are out of stock.

    One of a kind and backorderable items (cart.pl version 3.71+)

    One of a kind and backorderable items can be denoted with a third field like so:
    Mens Tie|10|1
    Gift Basket|20|0
    SuperWuper Widget|1|0
    0 = The item is one of a kind or not backorderable. You don't plan on getting any more in stock, when they're gone, they're gone. The cart wont sell the item once it reaches zero quantity in stock.

    1 = The item is backorderable. Even if you run out, you can purchase more, but you want your customer to know there may be a delay in shipping. The cart will still sell the item to your customer. You can adjust the language the cart uses in lang.dat #180

    So in the above database example, the Men's Tie is backorderable, but the Gift Basket and the SuperWuper Widget are not. The cart will send an email once per day (if any changes have been made to the limited.dat file) to the first email address set in PV#2 with a summary of the Limited Quantity Inventory items.

    Restricting Payment Options and Shipping Methods

    The Dansie Shopping Cart version 3.42+ can restrict the shopper to certain payment options and shipping methods when certain items are placed into the cart. This can help, for example, if you sell frozen food and only want them to use an overnight shipping method.

    To utilize this feature, just create a data file called "restrict.dat" and put it in the same directory that your vars.dat file is in. Example of a restrict.dat file:

    SuperWuper Widget|payment_options|1,2,3,6
    SuperWuper Widget|shipping_methods|2,3
    Notice that it has three fields on each line separated by the "|" character. When a customer puts an item into the cart that matches the name in the first field, the cart will remove all payment options and shipping methods except the ones you explicitly allow in the third field. You may list as many items and quantities in your "restrict.dat" file as you wish. Remember, you must put the name of the item in the field on the left. Not the stock number. Also, it is case sensitive. Valid values for the second field are "payment_options" and "shipping_methods".

    In the above example the item with the name "SuperWuper Widget" has it's payment options restricted to 1,2,3,6. The numbers for each payment option are listed here:
    Credit card payment option (PV#24)........ 1
    Telephone payment option (PV#25).......... 2
    Check or money order (PV#26).............. 3
    Check draft (PV#42)....................... 4
    COD (PV#45)............................... 5
    Auxiliary payment option (PV#62).......... 6
    Aux processor payment option (PV#71)...... 7
    2nd Aux processor payment option (PV#81).. 8
    If you have PV#27 set to 1 (shipping by weight or unit), the restrict.dat file will regard the shipping methods listed in PV#29. For example, if you have PV#29 set like so:
    29 -->Standard UPS,3 day UPS,2 day UPS,Next day UPS,Europe,Australia
    the restrict.dat file would cause only the "3 day UPS" and "2 day UPS" shipping methods to be available.

    If you have PV#27 set to 2 (shipping according to subtotal), the restrict.dat file will regard the shipping methods listed in PV#34. For example, if you have PV#34 set like so:
    34 -->USA,Canada,U.S. Territories
    the restrict.dat file would cause only the "Canada" and "U.S. Territories" shipping methods to be available.

    Affiliate Programs:

    The Dansie Shopping Cart can work with affiliate programs such as www.commission-junction.com, www.clicktrade.com, www.affiliatetracking.net and others that use IMG tag calls. Order Tracking
    See PV#69.

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    How to set up multiple merchants with Dansie Shopping Cart
    Mall Version.

    After your shopping cart is installed, follow these steps:
    1. Create a directory in your cgi-bin with the merchants name and chmod it 777. Example: "merchant1". This directory must be located in the same directory as your cart.pl script. Use letters and numbers and no spaces or special characters.
    2. Upload a vars.dat file and a lang.dat file into that new directory (merchant1).
    3. Point your browser at the cart like so: http://www.YourName.com/cgi-bin/cart.pl?test|merchant1
      The query string here is "test" followed by the "|" character, followed by the merchants name (directory name). A "temp" directory and shopperid.dat file should be automatically created in this new directory. If not, create them manually via FTP.
    That's all.
    In order to use this merchants vars.dat file, always be sure to use the following tag in every product form related to that merchant:
    <INPUT TYPE=HIDDEN NAME=merchant VALUE="MerchantNameHere">
    And link to databases like so:
    Instead of:
    Note: You will have a default vars.dat file located next to your cart.pl script in your cgi-bin. If the NAME=merchant tag isn't used in a form, the default vars.dat file will be accessed.

    Mall Merchant Upload Control Panel
    The Dansie Shopping Cart Mall Version has a built-in web based upload utility feature that allows merchants to upload their vars.dat and lang.dat files 24 hours a day without bugging you. To access your Mall Merchant Upload Control Panel, just point your browser at your cart.pl script with the "login" query string like so:

    If you have a site security certificate, your hosted merchants can upload and download information securely too. Just set Host Variable #14 with the "https" URL to the cart.pl script.

    In order to allow your merchants web based upload access to their directory, you will need to place a file in your cgi-bin called "merchant_passwords.dat". This plain text file will look like this:
    Use the "|" pipe delimiter to separate the fields. The first line will set the default directory size limit that you will allow to each merchant to have. Only one field goes on this line. The rest of the lines may have either two or three fields. The first field in each line is the merchants name. This must match the name of the merchants directory exactly. The second field is the merchants password. The third field is optional. It allows you to adjust the directory size limit for that merchant. In this example, Moe's third field is not defined, so he gets the default value that is in the first line of the "merchant_passwords.dat" file. Larry's third field has 400000 in it so he gets twice the default size limit to host his files with. Curly's third field is defined as well, but it says 50000. He will only have one-fourth the default allotted space.
    Mall Version Security Features and Diagnostics

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    We can send you a free upgrade with all the latest features if you referred another customer to us within the last year. Or you can
    purchase an upgrade.

    How to upgrade your Dansie Shopping Cart with the latest version:

    1. Unzip the zip package and rename the new "cart.pl" script to "cart_new.pl".
    2. Upload the new cart_new.pl script into your cgi-bin in ASCII format (not binary format) and chmod it 755 if on a Unix host.
    3. Test your cart by pointing your browser at it.
    4. If you use the ssl.pl script, follow the same instructions above for "cart.pl".
    5. Look for any new variables in the new lang.dat file and copy and paste them into your old one.
    6. Look for any new variables in the new vars.dat file and copy and paste them into your old one (in the respective four sections).
    7. Refer to the new ReadMe for instructions on how to take advantage of the latest new variables. Discard your old ReadMe.
    Notes: If you don't put the new vars variables into your vars.dat file, your cart will still work. The new version will assign default values for the variables you have not defined yet. If you don't put the new lang variables into your lang.dat file, well, your cart will probably still work, it just wont look too pretty. In certain pages and areas of your cart you may be missing some textual display.

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    We are always upgrading Dansie Shopping Cart to make it easier to install, easier for your customers to use, and to give you more customizing abilities. If you refer three people who purchases the Dansie Shopping Cart, we will credit you for a free software license. For full details, see the
    Referral Program.

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